online bible studY
Led by Leslie Rich
We understand how many of you want to honor the value of growing spiritually, yet your time is limited. We also understand how seasons of life vary, so we created this online connection point for you to be seen, to learn, and to connect. Biblical literacy is not a thing of tomorrow…start today!
Click on the link to join the group:

Led by Leslie Rich
Click on the link to join the group:

WHO: Single Mother’s Group
WHEN: Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 AM
WHERE: Trinity Church – Ed 1 Building – Room #207
This group is for single moms. It is our desire to come alongside and offer support to single moms since they carry an immense load of responsibility. In this class, we will laugh, cry, learn, and pray over your family. What are you waiting for? We are holding a seat for you.
Led by: Ally Ethridge, Shelly Brewster
For more information, email embracelife@trinitytoday.com
*Childcare provided by Trinity Kidsplace

WHO: Women’s Group
WHEN: Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 AM
WHERE: Trinity Church – Ed 1 Building – Room #204
Say Yes! to All of God’s Promptings
I dare you. When was the last time you heard God whisper these words into your soul? In seasons when you feel trapped by the safety of routine, you’ll often find God nudging you to chase His desires for your life by acting out in courage.
Friends Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant experienced this firsthand when God pushed them out of their comfort zones and into each other’s lives. As they share their stories, they’ll inspire you to start boldly writing your own. Dare to Be will motivate you to…
- embrace the outside-of-the-lines woman you were made to be
- welcome adventures that ask you to be vulnerable and brave
- break free from the obstacles that keep you from accepting the goodness God has in store
Let Charlotte and Natalie cheer you on, strengthen your soul, and encourage you to venture beyond life as you know it. You’ll learn to give your infinite God your complete obedience as you Dare to Be.
Led by: Wendy Birch
Childcare provided by Trinity Kidsplace

Her Story, His Glory with Gloria Toti – Facebook Live
WHO: Women’s Online Group
WHEN: Every Tuesday 11:15 AM
WHERE: Facebook
WHO: Women’s Group
WHERE: For Her Medical Services
Are you weary of finding yourself in the same painful cycles no matter how hard you try to break free? Do you long for life to be different? There are reasons why you find yourself in the same places of hurt and struggle time and time again.
Today’s damaging behaviors and choices are often tied to yesterday’s childhood pain and other traumas that lie beneath the surface. Until we recognize this, we will continue to make the same poor choices. We need intervention to begin to forge a new, more positive path.
Led by: Mari Huerta
ESTHER by Kelly Minter
WHO: Women’s Community Group
WHEN: Every Tuesday at 8:15 am
WHERE: Email ronda.cox@tcslubbock.org for location
A beautiful queen, her courageous cousin, a foreign land, and a murderous adversary—the book of Esther has all the elements of an epic drama. The story unfolds at a time when the people of God are split between nations with an uncertain future. While the name of God may not be mentioned in the book of Esther, its pages highlight His work among His people and foreshadow Jesus’s very ministry to us—darkness to light, mourning to celebration, death to life.
In this 7-session study, Kelly Minter invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai—a faith developed over time, rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.

Dare to Be by Charlotte Gambill & Natalie Grant
WHO: Women’s Group
WHEN: Wednesday | 6:30 pm
WHERE: Chapel – Main Church Campus
Led by: Gloria Toti, Lee Brown, Leslie Rich, and Debi Rogers
Say Yes! to All of God’s Promptings
I dare you. When was the last time you heard God whisper these words into your soul? In seasons when you feel trapped by the safety of routine, you’ll often find God nudging you to chase His desires for your life by acting out in courage.
Friends Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant experienced this firsthand when God pushed them out of their comfort zones and into each other’s lives. As they share their stories, they’ll inspire you to start boldly writing your own. Dare to Be will motivate you to…
- embrace the outside-of-the-lines woman you were made to be
- welcome adventures that ask you to be vulnerable and brave
- break free from the obstacles that keep you from accepting the goodness God has in store
Let Charlotte and Natalie cheer you on, strengthen your soul, and encourage you to venture beyond life as you know it. You’ll learn to give your infinite God your complete obedience as you Dare to Be.

Dare to Be by Charlotte Gambill & Natalie Grant
WHEN: Thursday – 8:30 AM
WHERE: Trinity Church Chapel
Led by Lee Brown
Say Yes! to All of God’s Promptings
I dare you. When was the last time you heard God whisper these words into your soul? In seasons when you feel trapped by the safety of routine, you’ll often find God nudging you to chase His desires for your life by acting out in courage.
Friends Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant experienced this firsthand when God pushed them out of their comfort zones and into each other’s lives. As they share their stories, they’ll inspire you to start boldly writing your own. Dare to Be will motivate you to…
- embrace the outside-of-the-lines woman you were made to be
- welcome adventures that ask you to be vulnerable and brave
- break free from the obstacles that keep you from accepting the goodness God has in store
Let Charlotte and Natalie cheer you on, strengthen your soul, and encourage you to venture beyond life as you know it. You’ll learn to give your infinite God your complete obedience as you Dare to Be.
Sewing With Friends
Sewing With Friends
WHEN: Second Thursday of each Month (10 am to 2 pm)
WHERE: Trinity Church – Trinity Central
LED BY: Orvi and Karen

WHO: Women’s Group
WHEN: Friday 7pm
WHERE: Off-campus – First and Third Friday
Email prize31@trinitytoday for address
Led by Linda Johnson and team
Play Date Community Group For Young Moms
WHEN: Winter Schedule: Last Friday Of Each Month
TIME: 9:00 AM
LED BY: Amanda West and Jenny Moore

Why Aren't We Believing For Miracles?
This is the night to step into the realm of BELIEVING God for the things that we desperately long for...and He longs to provide for us!!!!!

The Gathering
This is a free event!!! BUT WE NEED YOU ALL TO REGISTER.
WHERE – Great Room at Trinity Christian School – 6701 University
WHEN – Wednesday, March 26th from 6:30 pm – 7:40 pm
Click on the registration link below to let us know you are coming. Invite your friends BUT KEEP IN MIND THEY HAVE TO REGISTER TOO.
We want to provide dinner for each of you, but an accurate head count is needed.