online bible studY




Led by Leslie Rich

We understand how many of you want to honor the value of growing spiritually, yet your time is limited.  We also understand how seasons of life vary, so we created this online connection point for you to be seen, to learn, and to connect. Biblical literacy is not a thing of tomorrow…start today! 

 Click on the link to join the group:





Led by Leslie Rich 

Benefits of this online community group:  It offers each individual a go-at- your-pace-rhythm.  We want to connect with you when you join, so leave us a comment or a question.   If you miss a week—no problem, just pick up where you left off.  The study is four weeks long.  The learning is amazing.  Lean in friend. 

Click on the link to join the group:


This group is for single mothers who are ready to flourish in their relationship with God! You, brave mom, will learn spiritual and practical ways to help navigate your way through life while using the Holy Spirit as your compass. Are you ready to not only survive in life but THRIVE?


WHO: Single Mother’s Group

WHEN: Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 AM

WHERE: Trinity Church – Ed 1 Building – Room #207

This group is for single moms.  It is our desire to come alongside and offer support to single moms since they carry an immense load of responsibility. In this class, we will laugh, cry, learn, and pray over your family. What are you waiting for? We are holding a seat for you.

Led by: Ally Ethridge, Shelly Brewster

For more information, email

*Childcare provided by Trinity Kidsplace

Our group is a fun group of women and young ladies who are not afraid to talk about real life issues - we believe everyone's story matters. Come ready to join the discussion or not. If you want to come out and listen—that works too.

Knowing Jesus As King

WHO: Women’s Group

WHEN: Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 AM

WHERE: Trinity Church – Ed 1 Building – Room #204

This study is on the Gospel of Matthew.  Jesus as King is highlighted in the gospel of Matthew for all of God’s people to recognize.  He is more than a Savior, he is also OUR KING.  

Led by: Wendy Birch

Childcare provided by Trinity Kidsplace


Who doesn't want to grow spiritually? Who doesn't want to learn what the Bible says? Everyone who loves God should be leaning into what He has already spoken to us. Join the fun...


WHO:  Women’s Online Group 

WHEN: Every Tuesday 11:15 AM

WHERE:  Facebook

Building true community has to start somewhere, and we believe an online group is a safe place to meet new friends.  We tackle lots of subjects and tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly of our lives.  Just keeping it real.  We hope you take the time to connect with us.  If you are busy, check back in once the segment is posted.  Let us know how we can pray for you or your family.  
LET'S IDENTIFY: 1. the root causes behind our destructive choices and patterns 2. Expose the lies we believe about ourselves, as well as other damaging behaviors and mindsets that we may not even realize are limiting and destructive 3. Let's change our life and legacy by establishing new, healthier patterns one small step at a time.


WHO: Women’s Group

WHEN: Launching  September 11th at 6 pm

WHERE: For Her Medical Services

Are you weary of finding yourself in the same painful cycles no matter how hard you try to break free? Do you long for life to be different? There are reasons why you find yourself in the same places of hurt and struggle time and time again.

Today’s damaging behaviors and choices are often tied to yesterday’s childhood pain and other traumas that lie beneath the surface. Until we recognize this, we will continue to make the same poor choices. We need intervention to begin to forge a new, more positive path. 

Led by: Mari Huerta

Who doesn't want to grow spiritually? Who doesn't want to learn what the Bible says? Everyone who loves God should be leaning into what He has already spoken to us. Join us and see what God has already spoken over you...

EPHESIANS by Jackie Hill Perry

WHO:  Women’s Online Group 

WHEN: Every Tuesday at 8:15 am

WHERE:  Email for location

Who am I? The question of identity is always in the back of our minds, and it’s currently at the forefront of social conversations. But the first question we need to ask is: Who is God?Then we can begin to consider, And who am I in light of who He is? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes God as a merciful and forgiving Father who unites us in Christ and empowers us to live by the Spirit. We’re adopted children and fellow citizens with the saints because of God’s loving pursuit on our behalf.  

In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. 



If you think studying the Bible is for scholars, think again! It's for all believers to know the word of God. No matter if you know a lot or nothing about the Bible, this community group is for you. We believe Biblical literacy is something the enemy hates...and God loves us to know His story. Join our group and experience spiritual growth and community like never before.

Begins on 9/11

Framework: Understanding the Blueprint of the Bible

WHO:  Women’s Group 

WHEN: Wednesday | 6:30 pm

WHERE: Chapel – Main Church Campus 

Led by: Leslie Rich

This Bible study is designed to help you discover your purpose, break out of disappointment, and move into your true identity in Christ. By exploring key biblical principles, you will gain insight into God’s plan for your life and find the strength to overcome challenges.



Kingdom Woman

In this community group you will have an opportunity to hear from three community group leaders throughout the semester. Join our circle of friends and begin growing in Biblical knowledge.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

WHEN: Thursday – 8:30 AM

WHERE: Trinity Church Chapel

Led by Gloria Toti

A Bible study to discover your purpose, break out of disappointment, move into your true identity.

Sewing With Friends

In this community group you will have the opportunity to meet new friends while sewing beautiful projects for yourself or others. Come join the rich community of talented women learning from each other.

Sewing With Friends

WHEN: Second Thursday of each Month (10  am to 2 pm)

WHERE: Trinity Church – Trinity Central 

LED BY:  Orvi and Karen

Come join our fun group.  We love using our sewing gifts to create beauty for our families, our friends, and those we meet in God’s world.  
We will gladly hold a seat for you if you choose to join our fun-loving group of talented women who love thread and fabric. 


Women who desire a powerful time of Spirit-filled prayer come together on the first and third Friday evening of each month. Together, prayer is lifted to our all powerful God while expecting real and life- changing impact. Whether you are a veteran prayer warrior or just learning what Spirit-filled prayer is, all are welcome. Join this prayer circle and see what happens in your life.


WHO: Women’s Group
WHEN: Friday 7pm
WHERE: Off-campus – First and Third Friday 

Email prize31@trinitytoday for address

Led by Linda Johnson and team

The definition of tend, “to look after or assist in growing.” That’s what we are doing! Tending to each other and connecting while our children play in a safe environment.


Play Date Community Group For Young Moms

WHEN: Fall Schedule: Last Friday Of Each Month 

TIME:  9:00 AM

Day-to-day life can leave moms feeling exhausted and discouraged, but God wants us to experience an abundant life full of unity, love, and encouragement! Once a month we will meet together for a time to gather with other moms and let the little ones play together. Life is so much sweeter knowing you have people in your corner.  

LED BY:  Amanda West and Jenny Moore 

quarterly event

The Gathering

This is a free event!!! BUT WE NEED YOU ALL TO REGISTER.  

WHERE – Great Room at Trinity Christian School – 6701 University

WHEN – Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 pm – 7:40 pm

Click on the registration link below to let us know you are coming.  Invite your friends BUT KEEP IN MIND THEY HAVE TO REGISTER TOO.

We want to provide dinner for each of you, but an accurate head count is needed.