Whisper or Shout, God Hears All By Victoria DeLeon

What is prayer? Is it the small whispers to God or the loud, passionate cries? Prayers can be short or long, filling the air with heartfelt words. Each prayer is significant, whether big or small, loud or whispered. Do you ever feel like God does not hear your prayers? Do you ever doubt your prayers to God? You shouldn’t. God is closer than a whisper away.

Is there a right or wrong way to pray? Everyone has their unique journey of how to pray. You might be the type who is always ready when asked to pray, or you might be quietly discovering your own way of praying. We are all on different journeys of prayer, but God knows us intimately. He knows our thoughts and our every waking moment.

Psalm 139:2-4 says, “You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.” He knows.

I want to encourage you, wherever you are in your prayer journey, that God knows and hears every prayer. He is so kind and patient with us. One thing that has greatly edified my prayer life is being saturated in His Word. I remember feeling stuck, thinking my prayers went unheard. I felt disappointment, but Holy Spirit reminded me that God never ignores a prayer.

Our prayers can be momentary or lengthy, and He hears them all—even the ones that seem unanswered. God may answer in unexpected ways, and I love seeing how He responds. I love writing my prayers down; this allows me to look back, reread my answered prayers, and sit in awe of the mighty God I serve. I can see how I’ve grown and how God has answered in ways I didn’t expect.

Don’t stress about forgetting to jot down every prayer. The goal isn’t perfection. Keep your journal where you can see it; that helps me remember. I want you to see how great our God is and how patient He is with us. I want you to experience His splendor and majesty. God wants to teach us to never give up and always press forward, actively seeking His face. I promise, you will see just how majestic God is.

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