The Realization Station by Tina Gonzalez

On December the 28th 2022, I was spending  down time at home enjoying family and the 5 senses of everything the holiday season brings. It was a Wednesday morning, and I had been spending special one-on-one time with the Lord. Somewhere between 11:15am and 11:18am, I felt something happening.  My natural response was to ask the Holy Spirit,  “What was that?”

I felt the Holy Spirit impress upon my heart these words:  “The Heavenlies were trumpeting with great Joy…..”Tina, note the date and time. There has been an official shift in the Earthly time continuum!”

I continued praying and walked away believing we have entered into a new season of lost things being restored: double fold returns of anything the enemy has stolen in the areas of family, finances, health, work, school and ministry.

Out of that time of prayer I wrote the following,

” The Realization Station!”

Welcome to the Station!
Time to get off and unboard,
The traveling plans from your past that brought you to explore!
The Could of’s
The Should of’s
The ” I wish I could go back! “……is now looming in the distance as Sovereignty has delivered you, abounding in riches and grace.

Your true identity opened,
Excitement in the air!
Timetables that have shifted because you are walking in the fulness of His time!

Are you ready?
Get ready to be amazed,
as Blessing upon Blessing is coming in a beautiful Bounty of Waves!
Waves of Generosity
Waves of Prayers being fulfilled
Waves that speak to our hearts 💕
As the Lion of Judah steps into our Pride( our group)

Coming full circle
Fulfilling time and space
Encompassing all matter
Orbiting trials and place.

Billions of stars just waiting,
For their ordering and state!
Tales spun of many nations and hardened contractions ( birth pains) as conception bows to the Master and His ordinances spoken in Grace!

Realizing that I am a time traveler from a heavenly kingdom moving with harmony and purpose
because He directs my every step and time has almost fulfilled its resting place and destination….

I’ve Arrived!
I’ve Arrived!
Don’t you understand and see?
He’s calling His Remnant
Soldiers on Command,
To Ramp-up!
To Suit-up!
To spark and ignite the Standing Kings agenda for His Harvest and the push and pull agenda as the wine- press begins to fill commencing the end of this age!

Realization Station…I’ve arrived!
Realization Station…I understand!
I’m moving with the wings of the eagle encompassing numerous stars and a million  of grains of sand (promises from Genesis).

Butterfly wings entact,
ready to discard
the agenda of the enemy
as I Jump fearlessly into the Master’s mighty arms!!

The time continuum has connected
This moment has been marked in His book!
And the Lord is marching forward

As I sat down to write this particular post, it is now Saturday,  February 25th. We have just finished a powerful women’s conference with Prize31. It ties in so beautifully with the realization station. Gloria Toti and Christy Nockels talked about hitting the bulls-eye…finding special time throughout our day to spend with the Lord.What if we made focusing, communing and staying in step with the Mighty Lion of Judah a top priority?

We are watching the unfolding of the greatest days in earth’s history.

God is calling all of His warriors and remnant….and Yes He is calling you and me! Are we willing to get out of our boat?  Will we crawl out of our oh so familiar cocoon, opening up those beautiful creative wings and get ready to fly off our branch? Is there something that has been lying dormant, and you feel He is nudging you to get it out and dust it off? Maybe, He is wanting to show you a new gifting that you knew nothing about? Give it a whirl…try it out!
It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s all about you and Him and the wonderful plans He has for you.

He Loves to visit!
He Loves to share!

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Denice Mitchell

    Yes and AMEN!!!

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