Hurry Up Lord! You’re Late Again by Denise Dietz

The sound of a clock ticking is a constant reminder of each second passing as I find myself in the “waiting room” again! This journey never gets easier. I’ve waited for return phone calls, career changes, a home to be built, dreams to become a reality, debt to be paid, my body to heal, traffic jams to clear, my garden to grow, chickens to lay their first egg, and to simply to be called “mom.” Every wait presented its own unique opportunities for growth. Most often, there was a messy dialogue being purged out of my mind and a deeper love seeded in my heart.  Waiting seems to push every button. I tend to start at the extreme and work my way into powerful truths, that forever change the context of living. For instance, the wait for my chicken to lay her first egg, taught me to embrace everything in its season. When the time comes, there’s no stopping it!!! Daily I would check the chicken boxes for evidence. The signs were beginning to present themselves. The chicken began sitting in the box, her comb became bright red and she cackled a new call – declaring in chicken-ese, “I’m about to leave you a surprise!” Seeing the first egg was like hitting the jack pot!


I’ve been thinking a lot about the return of Christ and our part in waiting for His return.  We are in the ultimate season of waiting! The Parable of the Ten Virgins found here in  Matthew 25, The Passion Translation presents us with a perfect example of waiting!


The five virgins who have extra oil represent disciples who are eagerly anticipating the return of Christ. They are determined, no matter how long the wait or circumstances they will wait for Him. The five virgins without oil represent those who enjoy the benefits of the Christian community but are more concerned about what’s happening than longing to see Him. In v. 8, it’s implied their hope is in association and not Him.


I sense we are at a crossroads friends, are we Christians or Disciples of Christ? Now is the time to fill our lamp. Just like I looked every day for the chicken to lay her egg, we need to keep waiting and watching for the return of Christ with joy and anticipation! My hope is renewed, He’s not late…again!


Here’s a prayer for us, as we embrace the wait!


“Lord, You’ve told us about your plan. It seems like it’s taking forever. We are eager to meet face-to-face and see this extraordinary place You have prepared for us. Everyday is one day closer. We can easily miss what’s important in our daily operations, but this pause reminds us, You are what our hearts truly long for. Thinking about Your return makes everything seem so small and insignificant. We choose to fix our eyes on You and wait patiently for the most exciting day of our lives!”


Come Lord Jesus, Come!

Denise Dietz

Denise is a lover of good ground, good food and most radically God! You’ll often find her knee deep in the dirt, digging up something for dinner and digesting inspiration deposited in her heart. Her blooming ideas are born in the soil of God’s love for all mankind. Her most precious seeds are the three children entrusted through adoption; Mycheal, Levi and Nathalie. She also adores a beloved daughter-in-love, Lisa!

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