Little Snowflake

God used a cute 3-year-old to teach me a powerful lesson.

Our prayers for snow began months before the possibility existed. In August Nathalie began asking, “Mom will it snow this year.” The mid-summer’s heat ignited hope for snow, lots of it – fluffy and abundant. I could never honestly answer the question of will it snow, but I shared the dream of a full-out snow day of fun! My only suggestion was to ask God! He’s the only one I knew who could answer such a big request.

It was 4am last Saturday (December 8th) when Levi came bubbling into the room to announce…

It snowed!!!

It was like winning the weather lottery! We were rich with fun and making memories. But more importantly our hope was satisfied, giving life to even greater hope!

Into the closet we went! Digging, digging and squeezing into every ounce of warm clothing we could find!!! And this is what it looked like…to see those prayers become reality!


It didn’t matter how cold it was, how wet we were or how quickly the snow was melting!


Don’t ever hesitate. Talk to God now. Ask Him for what you desire! He is a good Father, who gives good gifts to His children, all the time!

Lord, my heart desires ______________________!

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Luke 1:37

~Denise Dietz