A Fond Farewell By Victoria DeLeon


Working at Trinity Church and being part of the Prize31 ministry has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside some amazing people whose guidance and friendship mean the world to me. Together, we’ve tackled all sorts of tasks and challenges, always aiming to glorify God and support our Prize31 community.

One of the best parts of my time here has been meeting so many incredible women. Hearing their faith stories, their journeys with Christ, and the challenges they’ve overcome has been truly inspiring. Each story has touched my heart and deepened my own faith, reminding me of God’s power and grace in our lives.

Jesus has been at the center of everything, teaching, guiding, and shaping us. In each season, we learn new things and grow in ways that leave a lasting mark on our hearts. Whether in times of joy or challenge, His presence has been a constant source of strength and influence.

Looking back, I’m so grateful for the experiences and lessons I’ve had here. It’s been an honor to be part of Prize31’s [HIS]tory, watching it grow and impact so many lives. I’m praying for God’s love to pour over Prize31, and for new seeds of faith to be planted and nurtured.

Though I’m stepping away from my role as an assistant, I’ll carry the memories, friendships, and experiences that have shaped me. Jesus’ work in my life during this time has been impactful, and I’m forever touched by His grace and love. While I won’t be in this role anymore, I’m excited to keep going on my journey as an author, sharing stories and messages that glorify God and inspire others.

Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and for being part of this incredible journey with me.

Many blessings, Victoria DeLeon

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