Happy New Year! by Gloria Toti

Happy New Year!
We officially close out 2021.
Welcome 2022, I think we are ready for you.  Ready or not, we know you are coming as God designed.
Friends, think about each passing year and God’s overall plan for His divine plan on this earth.  God has a plan, and we are in that miraculous plan that takes place in glory and on this earth.  One thing we can say is that we are one year closer to standing before him in glorious, surrendered worship.  Until then, we pray, worship, work, and fulfill the great commission.  What an honor!
Don’t ever lose sight of how we are in motion – we are on our way to another kingdom – we are pilgrims passing through earth’s realm.  This is just practice.
2022 is here and God is ready to lead you deeper into relationship with Him, and He is ready to watch you embrace the next right thing in your life.
What door is He leading you through?
What expectancy do you have for yourself?
What ways are you planning on growing?
Friends let’s begin 2022 on our knees with a humble heart.
If we learned anything from 2021, we are not enough and we are not in control.  Life will have us all meeting in a park in a blink of an eye, if not for God’s grace being poured out on our lives each day.
Who wants to join me in asking God to enhance our prayer lives?
Who wants to focus more on getting our eyes off of ourselves?
Who dares to ask God for greater faith?  We all do.  Some will succeed.  Will it be you?
I hope it will be said of me at the end of 2022 that my faith grew and that I trusted God more even when it was hard.
Because He is the one who gives us our breath, let’s ask Him to help us align our hearts with His ultimate plans …and don’t forget to tell him that you believe Him even when those plans might make you doubt yourself.
Happy New Year.  Think about it, we don’t just say NEW YEAR, we include happy.
Go get in His presence and then repeat that routine for 364 days and you will experience JOY.
HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS…see you in 2022.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary Land

    I always learn from you Gloria! Thank you for you boldness and beautiful spirit!

  2. Diane Qubty

    Thank you for words of wisdom and encouragement!
    His Spirit always shines so bright in you, Sister!

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