Stop and Pray By Linda Johnson

Have you ever been in a situation where you are just too exhausted to think clearly? When nothing you do seems to make a difference and you start to feel helpless and hopeless? I confess, I’ve been there, but here is what I learned.
After my mother passed away, my father was living alone in their home of 40 years. He was physically very healthy but was declining mentally, showing signs of Alzheimer’s. One day he became dehydrated and passed out. He was taken to the hospital. After a week of tests the doctors found no physical damage and were ready to release him from the hospital, however they would not release him to go back to his home alone. They gave us twenty-four hours to find a suitable place to release him to and gave us a list of facilities in the area. We immediately started our search. Our investigation revealed all the facilities were either full or were substandard from the care we wanted for him.

At the end of the day of searching, with our time running out, there was only one facility that we would even consider. The Director there told us they did not have a private room available. We did not feel Dad would do well with a roommate who was a stranger. At the end of that meeting, I sat in their parking lot as the weight of it all came crashing down on me. I began to cry from the exhaustion, frustration and hopelessness. I could not even pray. I needed an intercessor to lift me up, and God provided.
Right in the middle of my emotional outburst a lady saw me and walked up to my car. It was a friend I had gone to school with. I had not seen her in almost 30 years but recognized her immediately as she also recognized me. She asked me what the reason for all the tears could be. I briefly told her of our dilemma.
She asked if she could pray for me, and she did. I was so thankful. It was that cup of cool water in the desert for me. It immediately strengthened me, redirected my focus and gave me hope again.
My brother and I then decided to go back into that facility and discuss any other options with the Director. She told us she had an immediate opening in a shared room and the roommate would not be moving in for a couple of weeks. She also assured us that as soon as a private room opened, dad would be transferred. That was the break we needed with only hours left to move dad’s things into this new place.
Dad’s transition went more smoothly than I could have imagined. The next six years he lived there without ever once asking to leave. He was happy and well taken care of there until the day he went to Heaven. God had it under control the whole time. I learned that I should have trusted God and not allow myself to panic or become overwhelmed. I needed to keep my faith in the Word and know that He will direct my steps in all situations. I also learned to stop and pray before I get overwhelmed.

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