Hold Out Your Hands by Tina Gonzalez

I am so glad that God’s Kingdom doesn’t operate or function like the day to day earthly world we live in. It has a totally different look, feel and sound. I’m so glad that our Savior not only wants us to be believers in Him, but to be His representatives on the earth….mirroring His Kingdom. We actually get to dive-in, connecting our lives with His and all He sends our way!
1Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Look closely at your Hands!
Spread them out before you
Think of all the places they have been
All the people they have helped
Multiplications- Contributions
Adding to the Kingdom and His never ending Glory.
Jesus isn’t impressed with fancy vacations, material wealth or making it big on America’s Got Talent. No, it is so much simpler than that. Little things… small acts of kindness…open hearts and open hands are BIG on His list. He walked our earthly world with a heart and hands ministry full of amazing Love. Personally for me, I have had times in my life where I have felt unaccomplished, not quite measuring-up or just not where I thought or hoped I would be. But here comes the Master of our universe gently reminding me of small simple things I had done along the way that had Heaven applauding….Wow!  Really?
Colossians 3:23 says
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Hold out your Hands
Can you think of all the times
You wiped a small ones tears or rocked a fussy child?
Helped an aging parent or a friend….
How bout a stranger,  unsure of the outcomes but ready just the same.
See the Shepherd out in the field,  running to the abandoned – the hurt – the lost?
Scooping them up and gathering them together,
Open heart – Open Hands
💕 👐
See the Hands folded in obedience and prayer? 🙏
Breakthroughs just around the corner…. as wisdom is circulated – healings
And doors opened because the Kingdom is moving – reaching  – drawing near!
Connecting with every open heart and open Hand.
Watching a “I guess I need to participate” turn into a ” I want to participate” and then graduating with a humble, ” I Get To Participate! “
What a Beautiful Shift Perspective…..
Are you ready to dive – in?
You will definitely experience a new look, feel and sound. ( FYI – there might be a little dancing and singing thrown in there)
All you need is rolled – up sleeves and a servants heart….
Hold out your Hands!
Arms extended and opened wide
Praising the Maker of all Creation who came to save us – teach us – gather us close to His side.
With His Big whispers echoing…” I Love You ” and ” This is why I came. “
His Hands held out and His arms spread wide!

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