On Holy Ground by Deanna Duncan

When I close my eyes,  the day comes into perfect focus.

The sun gently shines.  A cool breeze whispers by, laden with the sweet scent of the heirloom roses which seemed to shout for joy with their colorful blossoms.  A bluebird softly sings overhead.

We are in the most beautiful spot–the garden of our first home.  A wall of wisteria perfumes the air, the iris, now spent, still stands in green glory while the age-old Mulberry trees and Jack Black pines softly shade us.

The pots overflow with bright blossoms and the wooden bench just begs you to sit down and enjoy the beauty.

In my mind, there could be no better place to dedicate our child to the Lord.

Surrounded by four generations, I declare the spot Holy Ground.

blooming flower on Holy Ground

Now, a by-stander would have described the scene as follows:

It was really weird.  All these people were standing in this postage stamp sized yard in front of a house with peeling paint.  You really couldn’t hear very well because the neighbors had parked all these cars in their yard and kept gunning the engines.  A few stray dogs strolled by.  It seemed like a dirty neighborhood filled with sad, old houses.

Despite what the bystander saw, we stood on Holy Ground.

In fact, you could be standing on Holy Ground right now, too.

Just follow me a bit here.

For something to be “Holy” it must be dedicated or consecrated to God.  To experience “Holiness” we must be devoted to the service of God.

We know that God created all things.  There is a part of His Divine Nature in all things because they were a spark of His imagination.

Bring my sons from afar any my daughters from the ends of the earth–everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and  made. Isaiah 43:6-7

When we accept our birthright given to us by God, we consecrate ourselves to Him.  In other words, we experience Holiness.

Now, this next idea really changed my life:

What makes something holy is not the place, but our attitude.

Moses and Joshua both came face-to-face with God and were commanded to take off their shoes because they were on holy ground.  Joshua, before the command was even given, had already fallen face down.  His attitude said, “this is Holy.”

I firmly believe that God is everywhere, in everything and that my purpose here on earth is to praise Him.

That means that anything, anywhere and at any time can be Holy.  All we have to do is acknowledge that God is here and make ourselves open to allow His Spirit to dwell in us.

Doing laundry?  Holy time as we praise Him.

Cooking dinner?  Pure Holiness as we thank Him for His goodness

Sitting in a traffic jam?  Holy as we proclaim Him as our Abba Father.

It just depends upon your focus.  If you focus on the distractions around you (like the neighbors who park their truck with a hand painted flag on it in the middle of their grass) you will miss the holiness of God’s creation staring you straight in the face.

So, close your eyes and declare this spot Holy.

Tomorrow, at the grocery store, praise God and declare that moment “Holy.”

Moment by moment and location by location let’s all just reclaim everything in our lives Holy.  After all, it’s what we were created for.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  1 Peter 2:9

If you need some words to start with, try:

Amen!  Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength by to our God for ever and ever.  Amen!  Rev 7:12

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.  Psalm 103:1-5

You’ve got this, friend!  Go and claim you some Holy Ground and if you need more inspiration, check out this story of Elijah.

Deanna Duncan is a lover of all things created by the Lord. Family member, business owner and a creative, she can most often be found somewhere in nature with a great book.

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