How Did That Happen? By Vicky Palmer

The daily process of life allows us to meet new people.

Some we remember well, and some we forget. Then, there are some we meet and the internal alarm goes off inside our souls. We know God is up to something beautiful.

I have to say the first time I met Vicky Palmer was a sweet natural exchange at The Gathering as she made her way up to say hello. She shared how she and her husband were new to the Lubbock community. The second time we met was for an interview to become my new assistant.

It didn’t take long for me to recognize Vicky’s ability to craft words and statements in poetic form. Vicky was a collector of wisdom. My OVERLY-IMPRESSED radar was engaged. Vicky joined our team, and I have been thanking God for the gifts this woman brings to the ministry. If you’ve met her, you know that she is smart as a whip. It’s obvious Vicky has been collecting wisdom since the age of four. She is a beautiful woman of God, and today I am delighted to have her share a bit of her life journey with us.


Enjoy reading her words below:

After a long and successful career in the field of education my email signature line now reads like this:

Administrative Assistant

Prize31 Women’s Ministry

The journey to this time and place is one of a divine appointment that is faith filled and answered prayer.

Like many, the universal challenges of 2020 and early 2021 brought a season of wondering to life. My husband, Keith, and I were both feeling that after twelve years of living in Northern Virginia, it might be time for a change. It had become quite clear to us that our beliefs and values were deeply contrasted to the cultural views surrounding us.

In December of 2020, I “retired” from my twelve years of work as the Director of Early Childhood Education programs. The question was big, “What would be next?” We began to ask God for a fresh leading and direction for our lives. We had agreed to be patient and explore options carefully and hold a prayerful posture, seeking discernment and wisdom about next opportunities. We were leaning on the promise of Proverbs 3:5-6.

God was faithful and brought several options across our path. We knew that whatever the destination, only God’s hand guiding the details would make it possible. He was present in every aspect of our sorting and questioning the specifics of each option that came before us. There were more than breadcrumbs to follow as God moved a few “mountains” to bring us to Lubbock, Texas in the early fall of 2021. We held tight to God’s promise to “make your paths straight” as we put our full trust in Him.

Since we had been connecting with Trinity Church online for the three months before our actual arrival in Lubbock, it was a natural transition for us to seek ways to be involved with others in the church community. This led me to attend The Gathering in October 2021 and meet Gloria Toti. This encounter was the beginning of my seeking how I might deepen my connections with the women’s ministry at Trinity Church. What, when and how that would look, I was just going to let God lead the way.

Life is always full of unexpected challenges and blessings. This reality makes me beyond grateful that I trust an amazing God to lead the way and help me through the peaks and valleys, questions and choices that provide growth personally, professionally and most importantly in living out my faith.

I would have never guessed that moving to Lubbock, TX would bring me the gifts of fellowship and friendship at a level I have been missing since leaving the Pacific Northwest in 2009. Once again, I am counting the blessings of God’s hand making the paths straight to serve in a ministry full of heart for women of all ages! God has prepared my path for such a time as this. My new season is a testimony to living in the grace and mercy only God can provide.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Danielle Gorey

    Oh Vicky,
    I am so proud of you and a little jealous of the new people who get to work with you every day.. lol.
    I was blessed to have crossed paths with you but I know it was God’s doing. I needed help and you were the perfect person to have helped me. You quickly become my boss but more importantly quickly you become my mentor and my friend. I was crushed when you told me you were leaving our school but at the same time I was so happy because I knew you were destined to do better things. Reading this makes my heart smile. You will impact many woman on this new journey of yours and they will soon be blessed too. Congratulations and again I am so proud of you. Love you!!
    Danielle, Kylie and Greyson xoxo

  2. Connie Englund

    Vicky, we are the blessed ones to have you in our ministry. I hang on every word when you teach as you open my mind up to the treasures in God’s word. You are truly a gifted, talented and anointed woman of God. Welcome to the family of Trinity.

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