Undeniably Standing With Israel by Gloria Toti


Today, Israel finds itself at the center of global attention because it is standing up to the bully terrorist regimes who continually make plans to remove them off of the face of the earth.
Psalm 122:6 is clear when it says we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
As Christians, we are called to stand in prayer asking God for peace in the Holy Land.
God knew what would transpire, and He told us ahead of time to stand strong with them.
This region is affected with conflict that is evil to its core.
When we hear in the news that the terrorist regime was planning ANOTHER attack on the anniversary of October 7th of this year, we must not stay silent.
That was one of the most horrific attacks we have witnessed in our lifetime.  Friends, there are still loved ones praying for their family members today.  Some are very young and small children…and those parents don’t know where they are at…are they dead or are they alive?
These were outrageous acts to abduct these people from their safety, and from their homes, and from their cities.
This is evil at its core, and I am asking you to join Carl and
me as we pray and act on behalf of God’s chosen people.
Today let’s remember to pray these two things:
Pray for wisdom for the leaders of Israel and its allies.
Pray for protection over all of the citizens and the communities as many are suffering at the hands of evil dictators.
As Christians, we know that Jesus is the Prince of Peace,
the Prince of Peace Himself…
a true peace can only come through Him.
So friends, tag we are it.  Let’s bow our knees and pray for more miracles…WE NEED SOME MORE.  Thank you Father!!!!

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