Speaking Life by Nita Kuehn

During this season of the onset of a new year, the Lord has given me the honor and opportunity to speak
life into several people who considered choosing death.

Shocking? I don’t think so. If we open the eyes of our heart, we will see people all around us who are
discouraged; who have lost hope; who feel like giving up or that the world would be better off without
them. It is one of the enemy’s favorite tactics and certainly something many of us have struggled with
at one time or another. No shame – perhaps that is where you are today.

Some of you who are not in that place may be thinking, “This blog is not for me!” Please, don’t stop
reading – I need to visit with you. YOU are the ones the Lord wants to use to bring hope, light and life to
your neighbor; friend; or co-worker.

Certainly, we are not professionals, but we are PRESENT to be the hands and feet of Christ. We can be
available to give an encouraging word, a hug, or an act of kindness. Perhaps we need to be a friend who
gives this person the courage to reach out for help. But please don’t just pass by thinking, “I don’t know
what to say.”

As a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you. He is the source of all wisdom. While I
may have a lot of training, HE is still the One I look to every time to find the words I need to say. Also,
His WORD is filled with truths that can encourage and set us free from the lies the enemy is constantly
putting in our heads. Let me share some of those truths with you now. I pray you will allow them to
bring life.

  • Not a single person was born onto this earth by accident. God designed and knit each one of us
    together in our mother’s womb and called us by name (Psalm 139:13). We are no accident!
  • There is absolutely no way we, or the enemy, can mess up our lives so badly that we separate
    ourselves from God’s love (Romans 8:35-38).
  • God, our Father, does not make us pay for our sin (Jesus did that), but He is always eager to
    forgive us and take us back into His loving arms – even if no one else is willing to – just like in the
    parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:1-32).
  • Don’t sell yourself short. We are incredibly valuable to God for we are His workmanship (Eph
    2:10) and to quote a well-known phrase: “God don’t make no junk!”
  • In God’s custom design for us, He also prepared good works for us to accomplish that only we
    can do (Ephesians 2:10). No, we have not disappointed Him. As long as we have breath, we still
    have time. He knows both our strengths and our weaknesses. After all, He made us.

Honestly, it is hard to imagine what unconditional love looks or feels like because many of us have never
experienced anything even close. But that is what God’s love for us is. There is no way we can even
earn it. He offers it to us freely because that is WHO HE IS. You are the recipients of the greatest gift
ever! All He asks is that you receive it and give it away. You are His hands and feet. Yes, they may be
full of cuts and scabs. He knows that. It is what makes you so beautiful to Him and effective to the
world. “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” (Romans 10:15)

If you are feeling discouraged or hopeless:
Call your church and ask for help
Attend a Forward class at Trinity Church or online
Connect with a church’s men’s or women’s group
Connect with a counselor or trained life-coach
Contact Walking in Freedom Ministries: 806-789-4960
If you have plans to end your life:
Let someone close to you know
Call the suicide help line: 800-273-8255
Go to your local emergency room or police department

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Diane Qubty

    Thank you, Nita!! I will hang on to this. Praying for our world 🙏💔

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