Ferris Wheel Living by Gloria Toti


What would you say if I asked you do you believe most Christians today are struggling spiritually?

I bet you said yes.  And you know why we struggle?
Because we struggle to spend quality time with God.

Friend, if you are struggling to sit in His presence, you are not alone.
I think that is why we a spiritually anemic church.

We get saved and we start doing.  Yes, as in plowing past the being with the one who just saved us.
We believe that doing is what makes us good Christians.
It’s not.

Throughout the 38 years of walking with Jesus and most of that time has been in ministry
I’ve seen this struggle in every corner of the two churches I have been a part of.

The spiritual condition didn’t change here in Texas from what I had seen in NM.

That nag is the alarm in our souls, and it is reminding us that we are to be
BEING more with the master.

For way too long I believe we grew content living off someone else’s spirituality.
We are okay and yet not okay with the one-inch spirituality.

Deep down we know that something is not fully right.

The H/S doesn’t relent in reminding us we have the cart before the horse.
Our souls know that we are meant to crave fresh relationship for ourselves.

Our Thursday morning Bible study Group is starting a new study called Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and the introduction lesson already sent a quick message to my doing brain.
Pretense went out the window.  My soul couldn’t lie to me.  I came to terms that my relationship with Jesus is underdeveloped.

Or should I say, it was obvious that way too many of us have a relationship with Jesus that is underdeveloped.
We don’t know His immense love, nor his joy.

Too often we talk to God or even perhaps at God, but we don’t listen to him very much.
Why is this happening.
Because the speed limit in culture is150 mph, and we are trying so hard to keep that unrealistic pace.

Friends, if you are feeling our world is on a collision course with an upside down reality, you are right.
There is a global spiritual crisis going on and spiritual discipline is needed.

And what does that look like, WE NEED TO SPEND TIME WITH GOD on our own.
Not just while we are in church.

We need to sit in His presence with set times of prayer cultivating eternal treasures that will help us not exchange our joy for struggle.

Can you imagine what could happen if we would routinely set aside small units of time to connect with our Maker throughout the day.

I bet our frazzled, frenzied, and fragmented selves would find rest and joy once again, just like the Dr. God ordered.
Let’s continue the conversation next week.

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