Let’s Protect Our Youth by Gloria Toti


Did you know that the word “church” will be the ONE word topping search engines on the internet   leading up to Easter?
It actually tops the word “Christmas”.   Wow!
People want to attend a church service to connect with God.Deep down in our souls, we know how Easter is one of the highest holiest days in the church,
and it compels us to do our part in acknowledging God, and to reflect on our lives.Well, we are days away from celebrating Easter 2024 and our eyes are on the word FREEDOM.Right now, I want to speak to you from my mama’s heart BECAUSE there is an ordinance that longs to threaten to the freedom of children and youth in our own city. This ordinance is called Prop A, and it wants to decriminalize 4 ounces of weed— and that doesn’t sound like much, but friends, it is enough to make upward of 250 joints.That sure sounds like someone is planning on distributing their stock with others.  I have a word for that.  Dealers!This initiative is going to be on the May ballot, and the individuals who would vote for this initiative are saying that this is low-level possession.  You decide if that is true.Kids in our society already have so much to deal with, they don’t need these pressures—they don’t need these temptations—to dabble in a substance that can entrap them.  I say that and my mama-bear-heart stands up.We can’t subjugate vulnerable kids in our city to this type of dangerous activity.  Nor can we stay silent when others are trying to say that we are standing against others being helped by the medical strength of CBD.  CBD is good and helps many individuals in our society – and we are not opposing that at all.What we are talking about is THC which is the agent used for recreational use – the one which is five times more potent today and laced with addictive additives.THC makes an individual high and impairs judgment.  I feel that THC use is dangerous and can lead to other involvement and has the power to entrap a soul, or ruin a life.Today, I want to ask you to help all kids in this city by voting AGAINST this harmful substance from flooding our streets – we don’t need more crime in our city.Freedom is possible if we act. Today, this is alfalfa in this bag, tomorrow it will be weed.  Let’s stand up and do something about it.

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