Spiritual IV by Victoria DeLeon

I cherish the transformative power of God. Witnessing how He can mend our brokenness, infusing us with hope and purpose, fills me with awe. Reflecting on the moment I surrendered my life to Him, it felt like being hooked up to a spiritual IV. Suddenly, lightness replaced my heaviness, and His divine power took over my mind and heart. What was once critical became filled with promise. My hunger for God intensified and took me on a journey to understand this newfound love for Christ. My life took an amazing transformation; it was as if everything had been turned right side up. I found myself intimately connected to Christ, and His presence became my anchor. My spiritual journey began.

God has remained the focal point of my life, yet, at times, the chaos of life has pulled me off course. I began to sense a draining weariness spiritually and a longing for rest. I realized I was spiritually dehydrated, despite the promise that in God we would never thirst. The disconnect became evident: my prayer life dwindled, God’s guidance felt distant, and frustration set in. I knew I needed to return to re-establish that vital connection with my God.

In His kindness, God responded to my cry. His grace, ever abundant, surrounded me. I am grateful that He didn’t view me as a failure but as His beloved child. We are called to remain connected—to receive the continuous flow of His spiritual nourishment. It’s a wake-up call for those who slumber spiritually; it’s time to pray, to stand firm. I believe God desires wholeness for us, both physically and spiritually. We must remain plugged into Him, allowing His life-giving presence to sustain us. He promises to supply all our needs; all we MUST do is be still and know that He is God:  2 Corinthians 12:9 – Psalm 46:10.

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