Best Or Worst of Times by Vicky Palmer

I love the book of Isaiah! It is filled with powerful reality, harsh consequences, restoration and promise!  I am currently studying chapters 40 – 66. Here the prophet talks of things we need more than ever in our conflict filled world. I am hearing more clearly the promises of comfort, hope and strength to be provided in the worst of times. There is a strong practical tone in this section of God’s word for us today, just as there was for the Jews who had faced a series of dark struggles and conflict. The Jews needed to hear the prophet’s message of hope and forgiveness from the one true God beyond the experiences they endured because of sinful choices and at the hands of powerful enemies.

It feels like deep conflicts and darkness are growing more prominent in our nation today and across this world. Isaiah teaches that no matter how difficult the circumstances, God can use them for our benefit when we stand true in our faith and trust that no promise made by Him will go unfulfilled. Remaining faithful in our pursuit of the Lord when confusion and conflict rings out so loudly will be required. As Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and be faint.” Without the Lord, hope would surely be growing dim in this world. I think this is why I have found myself leaning into complex sections of God’s word and seeking His voice for assurance that as I walk this journey, I am His and the light He brought into this world will not be extinguished. There are troubling events and trials ever increasing in this world, but knowing the source of all hope will help us endure.

When we are seeking daily renewal of our hearts and minds with the truth of God’s word, there may still be shadows across our days. But our consistency in this pursuit helps to remind us that there can only be shadows when there is a source of light! As Christy Johnson stated in a recent social media post, “As darkness gathers over nations, we need the pure light of God’s word to keep us on the path to heaven.”  This quote struck a deep chord in me, and I am using it as a bookmark as I move deeper into God’s word each day. I am seeking His promises to rely upon and renewal of my hope. It is God who will provide the strength necessary for the journey each day.

It never ceases to amaze me how God’s word reinforces and aligns across its entirety. The first verse referenced in this piece correlates so beautifully with Hebrews 12:1-2, tying the old and new testaments together. “Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.” The more complex and tangled the world around us becomes, we must hold on to our hope in the One who holds it all and is the source of all we need to soar and not grow weary or faint. Even when the day is dim, we must keep our eyes on Jesus, the light of the world!

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