Breath Of God by Tina Gonzalez

John 15:12 – My command is this: Love each other as I have Loved you

Breath on me Lord
The mighty Breath of God
Moving and Going
Encompassing and Showing
Places I could never go
Faces that will forever know
The Height
The Width
The Expanse of Your Beautiful Endless Love!

In this fast-paced, what’s around the next corner world we live-in, most of us like to slow
down and take a minute or two when asked about special events in our lives. Besides graduations, getting married, birth of children, and our top ten best of all time life happenings……….hovering up there in first place was when I said “Yes” to Jesus, making Him
my Saviour and King! I am still so intrigued and humbled with why Jesus came to earth, the
main message He brought to our world and who He has called me to be…………LOVE!!

Colossians 3:14 And above all these put-on Love, which binds everything together in
perfect harmony.

It’s the most amazing gift…pure, simple, and complex all packaged into one. And this is exactly who He is, a beautifully wrapped gift of Perfect Love just waiting to be opened and


I Sing!
I Sing!
As warm sunshine washes over me-over my heart
Filling every fiber – every atom
Each delicate piece and every fearfully made part…..
Of Intricacies
technicalities and multiplications

As Eternity Thinks
Speaks and Creates!

Time not quite ordained as He Sings and wraps His Beauty and Majesty
His Thoughts of Pure Love over who I am
Who I will Be
My Assignments
Our Story
As He Breathtakingly Whispers Our Name!

I Sing!
I Sing!
Filled with Perfect Love, Wonder and Might
As I am enveloped in the Shadow of His Mighty Wings…….
This is who We are – This is how He sees Us
His Warrior
His Child
His Beloved
His Bride

1 Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in Love

Perfect Love said “YES” to me and then asked me to go and do the same! As I step-out
and journey with the Lord, I tend to get overloaded with all kinds of earthly commitments. I
forget or maybe conveniently overlook the main reason I am here and my commission and
call…To keep myself open and go Love on everyone He sends my way! I also get in such a
big hurry that I forget to take this beautiful gift with me so I can share and give it to others.
At the end of the day, I know that this girl with all of her failures and faults, just needs
acceptance, Love and a Big Hug……JESUS STYLE!!

If it wasn’t for my messes….
stumbles and mistakes
I might not have ever fully understood,
His Oceans of Vast Love
Rivers of Mercy
And Oh So Amazing Tidal Waves
of Beautiful Endless Grace!

Open Fields
Open Harvest
Open Workers with Lots of LOVE!

Love Tina G.

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