Pick-Up Your Mat by Tina Gonzalez

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick-up your mat and walk.” John 5:8

God made us to get-up and walk with Him, completely trusting and hoping in the One who will never fail us! In so doing, we experience true freedom from all the reasons we feel stuck or the things that are keeping us pinned-down. Jesus made and designed us to walk, commune, and follow Him wherever He goes while we grow, experience, and accomplish everything He has for us. I can honestly say that I have had many times in my life where I felt glued, stuck or just a little too comfortable on my own personal mat whether it was due to physical, mental, or spiritual reasons. Or just like my favorite burrito from Taco Villa, it was a Combination Extreme with a little bit of everything in it! Praises to our Amazing Savior that He shows-up every time. His hand extended just waiting for us to say “Yes” to Him, and I am so very thankful beyond words………

Pick-up your Mat!

Don’t just lay there and sit,

Holding-on to yesterdays

As The Lord so lovingly holds-out His hand.


Smiling from ear to ear

Jesus knows His plans for you,

Now all you have to do is rise-up,

Be obedient, and take that first step…..

Are you wanting to be healed?


Leaning-in to Him

Listening to what He says…

Going where He goes?

It’s more than you could possibly imagine,

A journey that could never be walked alone.

All it takes is a “Yes,”

An open mind, and a willing soul.

Pick-up your Mat!

Our Lord longs for this day and time,

When you realize how



Incredible You are!

And the Master is there to lovingly catch you

With His Mighty outstretched arms!


Pick up your Mat!

Don’t be afraid,

The One who paid for it all

Is shouting with praise!

You were born for this time,

This is why you were made!

To commune with your Lord

Following Him as He

Walks with you,

Talks with you,

And calls you His own…..

His Child

His Beautiful Display

Of Artwork

Of Answered Prayers…..

Goals and talents meet as dreams begin to unfold.


Pick-up your Mat!

Let His Glory Shine!

Blind eyes and deaf ears open

As they witness your testimony speak…..

Utterances of awe,

Watching your Spirit Glow

And Hearing Your DNA Sing!

Songs of Joy,

As shame and regret break free!

The Lord making it clear

Issues from the past are gone-no longer exist

Our Master and our Lord,

King Jesus…..He has set you Free!

And Jesus is gently whispering…..

“Watch what we do!” and “Aren’t you so glad?”

“Because boldly you said YES to me through faith,

As mighty as an oak and as small as a mustard seed!

Your and I together……..

We Picked-up Your Mat!!”

“Jesus and Me” Love Tina G.

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