Wildly Loved By Gloria Toti

Isn’t it amazing to watch a small child calm in the arms of a mother, even though they just experienced emotional or physical pain?
The comfort of a loving, trusted authority figure turns the situation around…a few minutes in the arms of a loving parent or another caring adult is usually enough to soothe a little person’s hurt.
It’s divine work in action.  A divine picture of our God is being displayed in families all over our world.
So, what are we to do when we adults face emotional or physical pain – and we are left asking – where was God?
We share our frustrations with him, knowing that He is not afraid of our strong emotions.
Psalm 34:18 reminds us that God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Many in our world are walking about with crushed hearts and spirits…and I hurt for them, and many of you are doing the same.
I love to know that God longs to comfort us.  Although, we can’t get into his arms physically like a child, we can communicate spirit to spirit and heart to heart.
We can’t just casually ignore the reality of how God longs to help nurture His children.
God doesn’t offer human help.  He understands us better than we understand ourselves.
Divine help and human help are a power punch to the enemy…so if you’ve gone around the mountain 40 years, give yourself permission to also talk to a coach, a counselor or accept a mentor in your life. Friends, this is not weakness, this is powerful self-care in motion.
When we are honest with our pain, we allow a new conversation to begin.
I have a conversation starter we could all use beginning tonight and some sample statements of repentance.  These simple words become an act of surrender.  They allow us to release the heaviness of trying to be in control (which is an illusion anyway).
“God, some of the lies I want to replace with truth are…”
I don’t believe you love me.
I don’t believe I can ever change.
I don’t believe I can change some of these bad habits
I don’t believe you can forgive me.
You probably have a few of your own conversation starters you could add to the list.
Go speak to Him and see what He has to say to you this day.
You are wildly loved my friends, and 2022 explodes with opportunities for your one life!

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