Love in Action By Dianna Huber

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27 NIV


As an Outreach Pastor, sometimes I like to dream…what would a world without selfishness, neglect, and abuse look like?  And, what would God have me do about it?


Did you know that there are 400,000 children in the foster care system in America?  We are waiting to receive new local and state statistics in August, but as of last November, there were 443 children in conservatorship (removed from their homes) in Lubbock County, and another 128 in kinship placements (living with family).  This does not include children in residential treatment centers, and the numbers begin to double to triple when we view Region 1 (reaching up into the Panhandle, over to Abilene, and down towards Midland/Odessa).  This also does not include children whose families are at risk of removal.*


Over the past two years, Love Lubbock prayed, researched, and asked Holy Spirit what He was calling us to do as a ministry.  We had conversations with different churches and networks, we’ve learned from families and individuals in need, and we heard about how God was moving in the larger global church.  What we determined:  we want to be a part of how God wants to move in our local foster/adoptive/kinship community.  


It’s been a slow two years as we started building trust, networked with other churches through our partnership with One Heart Lubbock, and began building relationships with the Children’s Home of Lubbock, among other local foster agencies that we served through Serve Day and Start Here Serve There.  What we’ve found is that these families are also dreaming-they are dreaming of a place where they can find training, resources, community and support.


As God continues to help us establish relationships and build towards a ministry of wrap-around care for our local foster/adoptive community, we invite you to partner with Love Lubbock in four ways:

  1. Join us as a volunteer or attendee for Saturday’s “Hope for the Journey Conference.”  This annual conference, provided by Show Hope, is an opportunity for these families, and the friends and practitioners who support them, to get quality training in TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention)- learning how to support, love and serve children from traumatic backgrounds.  More information can be found at
  2. Go out and support Angel Studio’s new movie “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot,” releasing July 3.   This movie tells the story of a church in East Texas that adopted 77 children out of foster care.  It is gritty, emotional, and real as it depicts the journey of these children and their families and challenges viewers to take action.
  3. Begin praying and ask Holy Spirit how He would have you respond and serve our local foster/adoptive/kinship community.
  4. Keep your eyes out for upcoming opportunities to serve as we love these families!


*Local Statistics from St. Francis, National Statistic from “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”


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