My Disappointment = His Appointment by Tammy Barber

          My Disappointment = H DisAppointment 

My title to this writing is not a new one but I was not familiar with it and wanted to know more when I found it online while researching.

We have all been deeply disappointed in life for a myriad of reasons. I don’t mean the “oh well” type of disappointment.  I am referring to feeling heartbroken where your gut feels like you just swallowed a bowling ball. This could be a highly anticipated event or job opportunity that fell through, or what feels like betrayal by a loved one or friend.

I have recently had a big disappointment. I was anxious to get to a solution and this is what I found to be true…

Romans 8:28 tells us that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Even in disappointment, trust that God is working for your good according to His purpose. Expressing our disappointments to God removes any resentment, anger or sadness we may feel and allows Him to restore the situation according to His wisdom and His timing.  This is often a process – we may not feel complete relief immediately but as we pray into the situation and for the person(s) we feel is responsible, God shows us His truth and we can effectively move forward in our calling…what He has for us.  When I say pray for the person, I mean pray for understanding and pray for blessings over them.  Pray that the situation can be viewed through God’s eves – by all parties involved. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths. When we see through God’s lens of truth, it changes things!

My disappointment became His appointment and I was able to get back on track with His plans for my life.

If you feel like your crown is off balance, place it and yourself back on the potter’s wheel for the Lord to reshape and form with His good plans for your hope and future. As women of God, we should be straightening one another’s crowns and be there to support one another.

Joyce Meyer had a recent post: “you may have been given a cactus but you don’t have to sit on it!”.  That is so true, some even remove the spines and enjoy it grilled or juiced. I have not gone that far but it is nice to know it is an option. Do you need to make an appointment with God?  He is always available, no line and no waiting!

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