” Kisses From Our King ” by Tina Gonzalez

Psalms 85:10
“Steadfast Love and faithfulness meet, righteousness and peace kiss each other.”

In the past few months, I’ve had the wonderful pleasure of watching the Lord do some beautiful things in the lives of friends and family, as well as my own. A dear friend of mine referred to these small and sometimes big moments where Gods hand could definitely be seen or felt as ” Kisses from our King! ” A term I’ve never heard of before….. But definitely Love!

Kisses from our King
And Beautifully wrapped sighs.
Cozy warm hugs directed from Heavenly Hands
Surrounding Hearts – Penetrating Insides

Flutters and Skips
As thoughts of unachievable Love
Are met with snippets of Hope
Warm soft blankets
Perfectly woven quilts and shimmery white coverings
Of the Masters Pure Love!

Beautiful Bounty of Blessings
Open Harvests and Fields of Grace
Prodigal children come running
As tears flood down His face

Kisses from our Lord
Ready to Explore
Vulnerability Opened – Made Transparent
With Breathtaking Colors never seen Before!

Smiles in the making
Identity Restored
Reflections of our past, traveling at speeds of light…..
Healed – Whole – Restored

Flooding in like rushing waters
Bursting with laughter filled bubbles
Angels in flight
A great Cloud of Witnesses
Joyful shouts of YES!
The opening of Heavens Mighty Doors!

I’ve seen an adopted child now grown and gone, with little or no family contact for quite awhile, suddenly make their way home. I’ve watched in wonder as parents with a child that was taken home early, given a new son/ daughter and the smiles and tears of joy are irreplaceable .
My same friend who introduced me to the ” Kisses from our King” term, shared a really neat dream she had when she was a young girl. In her dream she was told that Jesus was coming to visit. She worked hard cleaning her families home from top to bottom with the exception of their basement. Surely He wouldn’t want to go down there. After Jesus’ arrival, He asked if they could make a trip down to the basement before He left. At the delightful surprise of my friend, presents and gifts that were not previously there before, had suddenly appeared….and there was quite a few! Jesus explained that the gifts were from Him to her. Each gift had something she would need or could use as she walked through different seasons in her life and when the time presented itself. Wow….Beautiful Kisses from the King!
During these upcoming holidays and our harvest celebration season, I hope we all make time and take time to wrap ourselves with the Father’s love and share with all He sends our way.

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