My Heart Is Still Dirty by Gloria Toti


Why isn’t the subject of SELFLESSNESS being taught in our schools? I think this subject is as equally important as English, Math and Science…right?   
“I want my way” is already subtly showing up in the lives of children sleeping in cribs…and it will only grow or be thwarted based on instruction.
Why didn’t someone use the intercom system in our schools to train us to listen to the inner voice of our souls.
Why didn’t adult figures fight for us and tell us to be humble and selfless… and instruct us to always remember to think of others before ourselves? 
When we read the book of Corinthians, we see how new Christians were learning to live for Christ and it was going cross gain to Corinthian society. Most of their lives they had been schooled on living for their own desires rather than God’s glory…they didn’t think things could change.
In this book we see the Apostle Paul reminding all believers to stop giving themselves a pass and to be on guard.  Why was this letter sounding like a spiritual college course was taking place?  Because this group thought that they could eat meat sacrificed to idols and God would wink at their thought process. They saw their short coming as a small cultural issue because that was all they had known.  They didn’t mind holding on to the abnormal things they had grown up embracing – why not just slap on the God-tag on what the world says is okay.
Today, are you giving yourself a pass over something you think is trivial and yet God continues to say to you – that’s not a trivial thing.
He wants you and me out of the idolatry lane—think about how easy it is for us to make ourselves the one casting a shadow on God because we won’t move out of His lane in order for us to be changed by Him.
My prayer these days sound like this:  God put me under the microscope of heaven so I could see all the ways I am displeasing or failing to show forth your glory.
I know the days when I rely on myself, and they are ugly.
Oh, how I wish our houses could be equipped with physical spiritual showers – of course there is no such thing.
Instead, He chose to invite us to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  In those moments, we can’t feel the power of the blood at work, and we become a little more like our God in His selfless ways.  Father, make us uncomfortable to become comfortable.  See you next week.

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