My Patience Was Tested By Gloria Toti

I had the opportunity to go block-walking in the city of Plainview yesterday.  That was a fun experience.  If you are wondering what we do, we go door to door and have conversations with individuals if they answer.  The topic is LIFE.

I met some beautiful people – we talked about LIFE in the womb being valued enough to stand against the injustice of our laws in America.

I had three interesting conversations with individuals in the neighborhood I was assigned to cover.

Obviously, they had opposing views to the way I see things as it pertains to life.  I feel it is God’s place to determine who lives and dies, I don’t think we should step into his lane.  The conversations were extremely cordial – well, maybe one was not.  I walked away safely before I said something that could have defeated my Christian witness.

I’m glad everyone was safe as passions can heat up when one shares opposing views on specific topics.

I woke up this morning reflecting on my impact my actions and words had in that city.  I pray God uses them in profound ways – I made sure to let those individuals know they were loved as I walked away.

I also spoke a sincere blessing over all of them.

Today, I pray for us to remember that we can have believes that differ from Gods, but ultimately, he is in control.

He is so powerful, and we can’t forget the journey we are on while on this earth is just practice.  God wants to help separate our toxic thinking from divine reality.

Here let me leave you with a scripture to ponder: 

The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

God knows it all and loves with great intentionality.  He wants to see us changed into His image while we walk on this earth.  What have you been thinking or allowing in your heart lately?  God knows everything, thoughts, and intentions.  Ask Him to help you think differently if you have stinking thinking today.

As I did yesterday in Plainview, I speak over you.

God loves you.

God bless you.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Margaret Davis

    Amen Pastor Gloria!!!
    Continue allowing God to use you as his vessel and not allowing the enemy to interfere !!!
    I pray blessings upon blessings upon blessings over you. In the mighty name of Jesus!!!

  2. Laura Fulkerson

    Wow!!! Very good, Gloria! And brave!
    I like how you put that, “you can have different views than God’s but ultimately God is in control!”
    Very well put, my friend!

  3. Laura


  4. Lisa

    Beautiful 💕

  5. Diane Qubty

    Keep fighting the good fight! Bless you, Gloria ♥️🙏

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