Have you ever been driving and seen something on the side of the road that interests you?
Suddenly you realize your car is veering in that direction and that you need to get back into
your lane.
Life can be much like that.
In Mark chapter 1, Jesus was in Capernaum. He was very famous there and was constantly
thronged by people desiring healing. But he refused to be distracted from his purpose by his
present popularity. Instead, he said to His disciples, “Let’s go to the rest of the villages so I can
preach there also. This is why I’ve come.”
You are probably reading this and thinking, “But I don’t know my mission or my purpose.” The
truth is, for most of us, our mission is in the moment. Am I reflecting God’s love to my family;
at my workplace; and in my journey through the day?
You see, the Lord said that our most important thing was to love HIM and to love our neighbor.
Above everything else, that is our purpose – our mission – every day in every moment.
Jesus had many interruptions on his journeys, but He did not see them as distractions, he saw
them as opportunities to fulfill his mission of loving others. (I definitely need to start viewing
interruptions through HIS lenses!)
The other important message to note is that just because Jesus was successful and popular for
his healing gifts in Capernaum, he did not see that as a reason to remain. He was aware that if
he stayed, it would waylay what God had assigned him to do.
How often do we park in our comfort zone? Perhaps we are known, loved, and appreciated by
our co-workers, family, or group of friends. Or maybe our comfort zone is in our favorite
recliner in front of the TV or on our phone. Have these things become a distraction from truly
loving HIM or serving our neighbor – from going beyond our comfort zone?
We need to take a look at our lives. What has become our comfort zone? Has it distracted us
from spending time with HIM or in His Word? Has it distracted us from being a reflection of
God’s love to others?
If we recognize this as true, then let’s make a game plan to change:
Keep it simple. (Rome was not built in a day.)
What is one thing I could do to re-purpose my life?
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and for open doors. (He is both quick and creative.)
Quit beating yourself up over the past. (Today is the first day of the rest of your life.)
Resist distractions, but embrace interruptions.
Celebrate! (Let’s see what mountain – or grain of sand – needs moving today!)
Lord, thank you for helping me recognize distractions in my life. I ask forgiveness for allowing
them to get in the way of reflecting you and I receive your forgiveness. I will quit condemning
myself and simply accept today as my fresh start. Lord Jesus, show me how and where to