So Smart and Yet So Dumb by Gloria Toti


When I mention the word compromise do you get good vibes or bad vibes?
Friends, compromise sits in both camps.  Sometimes, we compromise some our choices to keep peace and that’s not a bad idea.   And then there are those “other” kind of compromise moments that are not good any way we slice them.  The kind where our values are lost and they lose their footing.  That kind…
We all recognize when we do it, we compromise our values and begin to turn into something we are not supposed to be.
Compromise can be like ordering a pizza with a group of- everyone agrees on toppings they don’t hate, but no one gets exactly what they want.
Sure, it’s diplomatic, but at what cost?  You might end up with half a pizza covered in anchovies and the other half in pineapple, leaving everyone slightly dissatisfied.
In life, compromise often means finding a middle ground,
but if you compromise too much on your values, you might wake up one day wondering how you ended up so far from what you wanted to be.
It’s like slowly adding a bit more water to your coffee each day – eventually, your just drinking brown water.
When I ask you who comes to mind for living a life of compromise in the pages of the Bible, we could easily say that Solomon became a master at compromising.  He was the man who asked God for wisdom so he could govern God’s people.  Sounds like a fairly humble prayer to me.  But in the middle of his 40-year reign, Solomon lost his way to God’s heart.
He let self-sufficiency replace his need for God.
He forgot that God met with him face to face on two separate occasions!
How does one go from having it be said that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines… as in mistresses.
How could he be so wise, and yet so dumb?
SOLOMON – didn’t remember the words of his God, or his mom.
How can one be so close to God and then miss it by 1000 miles?
Friends, it’s possible.  Sin is real.  Pride is a stopper.
But faith and repentance are also equally powerful propellers into the heart of God.
Can you imagine what would have happened if Solomon had repented in the middle of all that chaos?
If you are running like Solomon, please stop.
It will only get worse.  I promise.  Look at his life
God knew all his children would mess up in this fallen world, but the last I checked, He wants us return back to safety, not implode.
Now I want you to reflect on whether you are compromising some of your God-given values – if so, stop it.   Let’s continue our conversation next week on this topic of stopping compromise in our lives.

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