Slow Down…. It’s All About The Climb by Tina Gonzalez

Psalms 121:1-3 I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.

I am so glad God is never asleep and He is only a whisper away, just one prayer from answers  just getting us out of bed and helping put one foot in front of the other.  On July 19, 2024, I sat and reflected on the ten-year anniversary of my dad’s passing and realized it was monumental and a milestone marker for me. Six months before my dad’s passing, my husband of 20 years passed and 3 months before my husband, a beloved brother-in-law passed as well. Three men gone in a nine-month period all from stage four cancer. As I pondered this ten-year anniversary, I reflected on where I am now and the incredible journey of raising two young boys. Oh my how God showed up time after time with answers, encouragement, beautiful surprises and support never leaving our family’s side. He is definitely the God of all my days…the scenery and the beauty along the way as He ordered my minutes, my hours, helping me put one foot in front of the other. It has been a journey for me, and I am glad he took my hand and said, “Come on Tina…. Let’s Go!”

God doesn’t always move our mountains, but He picks us up out of the valleys and gives us the strength to climb…. impossible heights… walking with us each and every step.

Beginning to End

Sharing the most of my day

Not just the good parts – shiny edges – but the ugly, the sad, the lifeless clay

When I needed a special touch from the hand of my Master, but also those He sent my way

Opening up – sharing testimony – transparency

Climbing Mount Everest only to trudge back through the valley

Getting up… starting all over again

My communion and relationship with the Godhead, extended family and fruits and labors of feet and hands

It’s all about the climb… scenery along the way

The people I met and shared with

God’s purposes – His sovereignty

Pluses and minuses of the races I ran!

Stopping and starting includes

Rest – closed eyes – feet up

Refueling for the next leg and flight of  our amazing climb

For tomorrow’s stepping-stones – babbling brooks – and Holy Spirit cloud breathed peaks

When it’s all said and done, I can honestly say,

“I fell, stumbled, made a wrong turn and lost my way”

But with outstretched arms and heart full of love…. He dusted me off with a whisper of,

“I love you; I am so proud! Let’s continue, start over, and try again.”

It’s All About You

It’s All About Me

Woven so beautifully, with the Father – Holy Spirit – our Master, Savior, and Lord

The King of Kings!

It’s all about the climb

Turning the next corner

Forging new undiscovered paths

Steadily climbing upwards heading to our ultimate final home!

You can come join at any time….

Are You Ready?

I Know I Am…. LET’S GO!

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