When I was younger, living at home, one of my jobs was to clean out and organize (and keep it that way) the book/game/puzzle/craft closet.
It was not my favorite job to say the least.
The younger siblings would pull things out, but never put them back the same way. It was always just thrown in there any old way. I would put this task off as long as I could, avoiding the area at all costs.
Mom would come in to put up a random game piece found while cleaning only to discover the utter chaos that was this closet. Now I am in trouble and have a time limit to get it cleaned out, again. I had not created the mess nor did I have any control over how the closet was used or if others put things back properly. As I stood looking into this disaster, I felt so overwhelmed. I would walk away, putting off the task once again only to return an hour later to the same mess.
I started pulling things out, finding pieces of several games not in the box they belonged in. I would find that game box only to discover pieces of another game in there. This tore my organized personality apart, which of course is why I was given this job. I pulled out more and more as the room was now filled with different piles as I sorted and organized.
I had to step away several times feeling overwhelmed. Mom peeked in to check on my progress only to find the huge mess as I had each game opened to check to ensure each piece was in its place and every puzzle was put together with all its pieces. Things definitely got worse before they got better, but when I was done, that closet looked amazing with each game having ALL its pieces and stacked largest on bottom, books lined up largest to smallest and art supplies sorted and grouped. Everything was in its place. Two days later, you could not tell it had ever been cleaned and the process started all over.