Beauty From Within by Gloria Toti


In God’s creation, we see amazing beauty in sunsets, mountains, oceans, and beautiful people.
The economy of heaven is on display each day and we shouldn’t take it for granted.
In Proverbs 31, we see how the latter end of the chapter is dedicated to a woman of God who is a God-fearing woman.
She is known for her hard-working nature and her generosity to others.
Ironically the chapter is written by a man, specifically King Lemuel.
But we can’t miss that it was the instruction of a mom that he kindly shares with us.
I love that momma’s heart.Verse 30 tell us that Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Deep down we know this is true.
No matter how charming or beautiful a woman is, we know that her beauty is not going to last forever.  Her charm will meet the aging process and it will run its course.
But what I want to focus on today, is the fact that we don’t get any descriptions of her physical beauty.
Instead, there is a focus of her CHARACTER and the fact that she fears God.
Through the years, I have heard that many women ignore this chapter since it’s such a tall order.
Yes, we do see a woman who does and seems to be everything…
and could easily be found in the grocery isle rack with many women frowning at her.
But do you think that is why God highlighted this woman of God because she could do all and be all?
I believe our BIG SIS was highlighted so we could see how she feared
God and became known as a woman of character who made a difference in her world.
The abundance of living for Him and working for Him and her family is clearly seen –
she became a woman of influence who feared God.
We can do the same.
Now – SMILE BIG and start looking for the opportunity that is yours for the taking.

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