Let’s Participate by Gloria Toti


The countdown has begun.  Do you know how many days until Easter?  Less than four weeks.  I hope Easter is not just another fun family day on your calendar…of which it should be all that and more!  Easter is the day that put the word fun in our days.  

The day cannot come and go without us feeling the weight of what took place that day, and what took place three days before.  I pray the last thoughts on your mind when you close out the night are not about your cute Easter outfit.  I am asking the Holy Spirit to fill our souls to overflowing with gratitude for the day that changed eternity forever, and our forever stories. 

Friends, we don’t even know how much our souls still need rescuing.   

So much is shifting in our world, and I believe Christians worldwide are feeling a longing for more of Jesus.  Deep down I sense we are closer to standing before our God and His throne.  I don’t want to be a Christian actor going through the motions of a Christian life.  Too much is at stake.   

 I am praying for us to really connect with Jesus, and His love for us. 

I’m praying for the lost as well.  I pray they scoot a little closer to Him.  

 May we walk away from Easter with a little more boldness because of the eternal hope we choose to own.  Let’s remember that this is the day of days that sealed our eternal future in heavenly places.  

 I love how Daniel 12:2 reminds us that God always had a plan to awaken his children from spiritual death.  He always had a plan.  The saints of old knew Messiah was coming and they waited in faith.  

 Let’s read the words of hope found in the book of Daniel:  “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.  Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” 

Next week, we will dive deeper into what was being spoken by 

Daniel, hint – it was for all people:  Both O/T and NT humans.  

For now, go thank Jesus for the precious blood that flowed from his brow, his hands, his side, and his feet …and dear one please do not keep all of this goodness to yourself.  Tell others about their savior and invite others to join us next week.  

Our Eternal Future Was Secured…


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