20/20 Spiritual Vision Is A Thing by Gloria Toti


Today, we are going to pick up our conversation of Jesus having 20/20 vision.   His eyes are not dim.  He is not up for eye surgery any time soon.  

His eagle sharp eyes are upon us, and His intercession is always before the throne of His father on our behalf.  

What a God?  

Do you ever wonder why He cares so much about us?  I do.  

And it makes me love Him even more. 

If you are doubting if he cares for you because of your circumstances please put your circumstances aside for a millisecond to focus on Him because He is focusing on you in this moment.

He sees you.

He knows.

He cares.

He is near.

He is here.

And he is eager to intervene on your behalf but not like a genie in a bottle, but like a loving heavenly Father who longs to have you respond to his loving voice.  Not only does Jesus see us when we’re struggling but he also comes to us. 

Remember the account involving Peter occurred during the darkest hour of the night. 

And here, at the bleakest point, is when Jesus showed up. 

I think about that scene from time to time when my circumstances taunt me. 

He was right on time. Let’s remind our souls today that “God is always on time” – 

He actually startled his disciples that night when he walked on the water.  

When they recognized that they were not alone, it was a game changer.  

Jesus did more than walk on water – a few days later He died for them.  

He died on a cross – wait, he didn’t just die on the cross, he died a brutal death by those who hated him with evil intent.  

The timing of Jesus dying was critical for our survival of his followers and for all of us.  

Those pesky and painful circumstances those disciples were dealing with were the very tools in the hands of the Master that chipped away what didn’t belong on them.  The things we begrudge can actually work for us if we become teachable just like those men who walked with the Master. 

His intervention is always perfectly timed. 

“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son…” 

Those financial, relational, emotional, and health-related storms we beg God to take away can be turned on their head and begin to serve the purpose of making us more like him if we stop focusing on our circumstances.  Let’s start focusing on Him instead and remind ourselves that we are not going under.  Everything is under His feet.  

The misfortune 

The job loss 

The fear

The sickness 

The affair 

The addiction 

The abuse is all under his feet.

Everything that threatens us is under the feet of Jesus.  

Go ahead and thank Him for His power to restore all evil thrown at you.  

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