Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do?
There are times when some of those things might be confusing to us or to those around us…because we are different by God’s design—and that’s a great thing. Sometimes, the thing we are missing is translation.
All relationships – those that truly matter and even those that don’t – require translation.
Last week, Denise, Shelly, Abbey and I had the opportunity to travel to Dallas to a round table at Gateway church. It was a fast trip but it was worth the five hour drive to spend with other key leaders from around the nation.
The Gateway church leadership was intentional in pouring back into those who do the work of the ministry. I love them for it.
It’s amazing how I have grown into the kind of person who likes adventures. The play it safe gal in me now signs up for new things.
We had the opportunity to a part of their monthly chapel and that was incredible to see their church family dynamic.
Then in one of the sessions designed for us, they had Bethani teach on the different personality types through the Enneagram. The learning was great. I’ve taken an assessment before but this one was a bit different, and it ranked me as an 8 and not a 1. Although they were only off by 2 points from each other.
Wait, an 8 is known as a challenger – I see this showing up more and more the more I have matured.
The 1 is known as a perfectionist – that I was aware of.
So, why do I share this news with you. To invite you in to take a free test online. Also, to tell you how God can change a life. I believe too many of us are masking our true identity. We believe what others have said about us, or we don’t believe we can achieve great things.
God has done such a rich work in my heart and life, that even I stand amazed at what God had poured into me when He was forming me in my momma’s womb.
Think about it, that DNA always existed. Now, I am recognizing it and utilizing it. Of course, each of the personality types have strengths and weaknesses, and it’s good to see what those are. That way we can change. Awareness is key to growth.
Friends, today, I want to challenge you to BE in His presence as often as you can so you can BECOME.
Those gifts are there by design. God has plans for you and your gifts.
So, this day, I challenge you to take a personality test, or a spiritual gifts assessment test and see what gifts reside in you. We can help you if you have any questions.
Today, I champion your gifts – if you only know the weakness side of your ability, it’s time to know what lies on the opposite end of those beauties. STRENGTHS are there, I promise.
I will leave you with this: There is a reason you do the things you do. A lot of it is hardwire wiring from the truest essence of your core being. Don’t run from it. Let is shine my friend.
God believes in you, I believe in you, and by faith I am going to say: You believe in you and your unique greatness! I pray you see what God see’s in you this day.
Take a free Enneagram test here