Into The Unknown by Shawnee Soto

It seems that I always have a desire to know: know why, when, what, to whom, in which direction, how, and any other detailed information that would lend to building out a full picture of what is being discussed. The problem with this is when it is the future that is being discussed the details to these questions are unknown.

Am I the only one that wants details for what’s coming in the same way that we can recall details from what has already happened?

Some of the details about heaven in the book of Revelation are so inspiring. Will there be new colors to be seen in heaven? That would be so much fun. Sometimes I try to imagine a new color, but my mind can’t comprehend it.

But faith isn’t about knowing, it’s about trusting. If I already knew everything about the future, I wouldn’t have to trust God. Sure, I could have a desire to still know Him, but to trust someone builds a deeper desire to know them and creates a longing to wake up to a new day.

There is something fiercely fun about that though. Knowing that eternity is set for me (shout out to Jesus for his sacrificial blood) gives me a certain liberty to have fun in the unknown of every day. There is possibility and opportunity.

One aspect of life we cannot control is time we get here on earth, but we can control the quality of time.

I hope to look into my future and past both and see time well spent with my husband, future kids, our families, and friends.

Our lives are made by the people we choose to spend our time with. So why wouldn’t we be intentional about who we choose to surround ourselves with?

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

We can’t be certain of what will happen one day to the next, but we can have hope based upon our faith that comes from the God we trust. So then the plans we make should reflect on the God we trust with a hope rooted in knowing He is good.

So whether the day looks grim or the day looks bright and the plans ahead are eagerly waited for, we can hope for the promises of God to be fulfilled in our lives, even if it is to see him face to face one day at his appointed time.

Let us hope together this year as we surround ourselves with others who trust in God alongside us and hope for a future filled with God’s promises.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Marion Lee

    I’m so looking forward to all God has in store for us individually, and corporately as women in this year. God has been moving and shaking us over the last two years, so exciting things are about to happen, can’t wait to see them happen!

  2. Gale Soto

    Shawnee, you are so profound in this piece. It speaks to my heart so abundantly and awakens my spirit knowing God has everything set for our paths journey. We trust in God will show us the way and we’ll be the conduit of testimonies. So excited to see where God will lead us.

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