Jesus 911 by Tammy Barber

 Many years ago, I had a dream that Jesus called my mobile phone.  The caller ID showed His name as “JESUS 911.”  I was distracted and did not notice the call for several seconds.  Then, when I saw who was calling, I tried so hard to connect but my fingers were thick and slow and I could not swipe the incoming call button properly.  It was like the harder I tried to move quickly, the slower I became.  I felt panicky, flushed, and anxious as I realized I may have missed the most important call of my life!  What did Jesus want to tell me?  What did I miss?  You see I had not been committed in my daily walk with the Lord – reading my Bible, praying, attending church, listening to His voice to bring me truth.

I was kind of working God in here and there, on a convenience basis and not placing Him above all – in first place.  I had gotten way off course.  I was so thankful for this dream to bring me back to a place of repentance and enable me to change my ways quickly and get back on track with God.  Revelation 3:20 says “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”  None of us wants to miss dinner or a call with the Lord – a precious opportunity to connect!  If we do not move forward with God each day, we fall behind in our relationship with Him… way behind.  It is not like a book partially read where we can come back and pick up where we left off.  We lose ground and fragment our relationship with God when we do not spend intentional time with Him.  Then, when the enemy rushes in, when the storms rage, it is more difficult to connect to God because we can’t hear as clearly.  He is there with us, it is just harder to hear His still, small voice due to a weakened connection.  Isaiah 6:8 says “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “whom shall I send and who will go for us?  Then said I, Here am I; send me.“  What is the Lord calling you to do today?  What will He call you to do with your time, talent and treasure?  Here I am, send me!

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