For almost fifty years, I have been a Potter. It started in High School and continued in college. I fell in love with spinning clay on a potter’s wheel to form all kinds of useful creations. Its also a creative outlet. Recently, every time I sit at my wheel the Lord begins to speak to me in a very unique way. Jeremiah 18:6 tells us, “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel”.
Recently I cut two pieces of clay off of my block of clay. I weighed them out to equal each other. I prepared each exactly the same to make them ready to start spinning on my wheel. I had plans to make each of these lumps of clay into a mug that I could give as gift. As I began to work with the first lump it yielded to my every touch. It even yielded when I had to put a good amount of pressure on it to get it perfectly centered on my wheel before starting to shape it. It was a pleasure to work with and I was able to create a beautiful mug from it. This mug will now be put in the fire to make it strong then glazed with brilliant colors and put into a second fire to bring out all the beauty of the colors before it will be gifted and appreciated. Ultimately, it will be used and be a blessing to someone.

The second lump of clay, was cut at the same time, from the same block of clay and weighed out to be the same as the first lump. It was prepared exactly in the same way. However, it reacted completely opposite of the first lump. Even from the minute I placed this second lump on my wheel, it tried to fly off the wheel. It didn’t want to submit to my hands. Once I finally was able to get it to attach properly, it took twice as long to form into something useful. Instead of yielding and allowing my touch to guide it, this lump seemed to fight me at every step. As I tried hard to shape it to what I had planned, it would rebel so much that I had to cut parts off of it to keep it from collapsing completely. Only because of my experience as a Potter was I finally able to redeem this rebellious lump of clay into a very small bowl. It will still be a useful piece but will never become the beautiful mug I planned for it.
God very plainly demonstrated to me the difference He can make in my life, as my Master Potter, if I will yield to Him. I need to not rebel against His touch, even when it is uncomfortable. He puts pressure on me in just the right places to form me into what He has planned for me. I need to trust in Him always and know His plans are good. What kind of lump of clay are you?