See A Little More by Denise Dietz

Audacious. Yes!

Let’s put ourselves in this story….

Jesus, the Healer

17 One day many Jewish religious leaders, known as Pharisees along with many religious scholars came from every village of Galilee, throughout Judea, and even from Jerusalem to hear Jesus teach. And the power of the Lord God surged through him to instantly heal.

18 Some men came to Jesus, carrying a paraplegic man on a stretcher. They attempted to bring him in past the crowd to set him down in front of Jesus.

19 But because there were so many people crowding the door, they had no way to bring him inside. So they crawled onto the roof, dug their way through the roof tiles, and lowered the man, stretcher and all, into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.

20 Seeing the demonstration of their faith, Jesus said to the paraplegic man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven!”

21 The Jewish religious leaders and the religious scholars[h] whispered objections among themselves. “Who does this man think he is to speak such blasphemy? Only God can forgive sins. Does he think he is God?”

22–23 Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Why do you argue in your hearts over what I do and think that it is blasphemy for me to say his sins are forgiven? Let me ask you, which is easier to prove: when I say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or when I say, ‘Stand up, carry your stretcher, and walk’?”
Jesus turned to the paraplegic man and said,

24 “To prove to you all that I, the Son of Man, have the lawful authority on earth to forgive sins, I say to you now, stand up! Carry your stretcher and go on home, for you are healed.”
25 In an instant, the man rose right before their eyes. He stood, picked up his stretcher, and went home, giving God all the glory with every step he took.

26 The people were seized with astonishment and dumbfounded over what they had just witnessed. And they all praised God, remarking over and over, “Incredible! What an unbelievable miracle we’ve seen today!”
Luke 5:17-26 (TPT)

There’s so much to see here…

Who is holding your ropes?

Are you a rope holder for others, creating opportunity for miracles?

What do the thoughts of the religious leaders sound like to you? How are you demonstrating your faith?

Some thoughts to ponder…

I’m learning to heal on the inside and out, much like this man. It takes time. I have to be patient with myself and others as my life gets back to normal. I’m learning to see things differently, love others and help others when I can. What I’m really learning is how much God cares about us and wants to heal us on the inside and out. So, if you’re feeling hurt, sick or in need of a miracle…ask Jesus to heal you! He wants to.

Friends, this is a new decade – let’s focus our attention on Him and see beyond our imagination!!! Happy 2020!

You are deeply loved,

Denise Dietz


Are you waiting for a miracle? I want to be one of your rope holders!!!

While You Wait…why not gather some friends to share the journey! You will discover the “why” you wait, “while” you wait!!! This is a pre-release offer to purchase your group copies of my new transformational journal titled iWait at a discounted price of $10 each. It’s not your typical front-to-back book, it’s a journal designed to activate your faith and inspire hope! Books will be available for
distribution January 15th. Simply email your order to, or Facebook message Denise Dietz at Seeds of Life Coaching.

Denise is a lover of good ground, good food and most radically God! You’ll often find
her knee deep in the dirt, digging up something for dinner and digesting inspiration
deposited in her heart. Her blooming ideas are born in the soil of God’s love for all
mankind. Her most precious seeds are the three children entrusted through adoption;
Mycheal, Levi and Nathalie. She also adores a beloved daughter-in-love!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary Basinger

    Wonderful devotional and yes I want to be a rope holder for others. Thank you Denise.

  2. Diane Qubty

    Love this story and your words of encouragement! And the beautiful journal! ♥️

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