The Alarms Are Sounding by Gloria Toti


Friends, there are two things on my heart today, or should I say paining my heart in profound ways.  

The first – Israel is at war.  Terrorists have invaded their land.  If you call yourself a Christian, you are probably watching the news reports and it is causing you to pause and pray.

How can we just continue living our lives as if nothing is happening.  

With Israel’s history, we know the Israeli’s have vowed that kind of atrocity will never happen to their race again, and I don’t blame them.  

Let’s stand strong with our brothers and sisters, and ultimately stand with God in this strategic moment of Biblical history.

With all this evil unfolding I am reminded we are living in end times.  

I am also grieved because we have another Pastor in America who is speaking about the sanctity of marriage but in the process, I believe he is offending God and sending a very mixed message. Yes, Andy Stanley recently hosted a conference called the Unconditional Conference.  It was stated that the intent of this gathering was to allow pastors and parents to gather and learn how to step into this cultural moment.  

The topic was the LGBTQ, and the lifestyles children are choosing.

All sounds great – create space for others to learn and grow and support each other as leaders of the next generation.  I am all for that. I believe churches should be supporting parents who are left holding an alternate script or outcome that they had chosen for their child.  

What is a parent to do – how do they love their children and yet stand up for truth – who do they talk to – what do they say if someone asks?  Those are real emotions many I know are dealing with.  

These are hard conversations and it’s happening in more families than we can imagine.  Ya’ll Pastor Andy Stanley invited two speakers to speak about this topic but there is a problem, these men are happily living in the lifestyle God calls sin.  WHAT IN THE WORLD was this pastor thinking.

Shouldn’t they have been in the audience listening to the message of hope that God can free us from that type of sin.  That would have made sense to me.  

Instead, they were allowed to share their stories of how they dealt with this lifestyle and the emotions of giving in to same sex attraction.  

Can you imagine being a parent or a pastor at that conference hearing the details of these stories. 

If this was a conference set up to help young people in church 

wrestling with same-sex attraction, do you think they were encouraged to fight or to give in to this sinful behavior? 

Join us next week as we continue to discuss this topic because it’s not going away, and the truth must continue to be shared in love.


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