Have You Ever Seen A Shooting Star by Gloria Toti

I wonder what astronauts think about when they are that close to Heaven?  

The majestic night sky tells a majestic story each night.  It’s captivating and filled with wonder.


A shooting star reassures you that you just witnessed something spectacular!

We all just watched as two American astronauts made a 19-hour ride home from orbiting around the space station for 63 days.  They had forty-eight hours of oxygen to make it home to earth.

Many of us watched the launch and the return of the space capsule.

We watched as it slammed back into earth’s atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of 17,000 mph and then relied on a heat shield to slow it down to 350 mph and then down to 15 mph for the splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico.

As I watched this feat, I couldn’t help but cry out to God with the words of the psalmist

“If I go up to the heavens, you are there”.

Everything was calculated with such precision in order for these men to return back to their young sons – who by the way gave them their wake up calls the day they were to return back to earth.

One son said… “hurry back Dad, so we can get my dog”

Space X Founder – Elon Musk said this:  “I’m not very religious, but I prayed for this one.”

Not sure what his prayer consisted of, but God knows.  I hope he continues to pray and becomes more and more religious because there is a God who made all of the things out there in space that intrigue him…

and it was God who created him with all that intelligence and talent.


Ironically, they brought home an American flag that was left behind in 2011 by NASA’s last shuttle crew.   How cool is that?

I’m glad that there are hopes to position the American flag on the moon in a future launch.

I wonder what the future news will be of our existence on this earth when that happens.

One thing I know that will remain the same: God doesn’t change.

He created this world and all humans, and He has a plan for each of us to go on a ride beyond this earth one day.

Personally, I’m intrigued by what astronomers and other scientists have discovered about space during my lifetime—we now know there are countless galaxies, incredible distances, and phenomena we can barely understand.

As the sons of the SpaceX crewmembers, these boys may be too young to recognize the enormity of the assignment their fathers undertook.

Similarly, our view of our Heavenly Father or His ultimate mission may be limited by our finite, child-like minds. His word tells us that He is the ultimate creator, and he has a master plan – we just have to trust that plan and that he will one day return.

In Genesis 1:1 we see God’s power on display.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”


Just like Space X and NASA worked on a schedule, God also has a schedule for his return to earth.  The news has already been reported.  Soon an eternal craft called HEAVEN X will take all believers beyond earth’s realm.

Ironically, just like the spectators who were put at risk by the fumes as they gathered in their boats to observe the capsule’s touchdown, those who don’t plan to make this GLORIOUS trip to glory will ALSO be put at risk.  They will be thrust into the line of destruction by the enemy.

Elon Musk decided to pray – I hope he continues to think about the vastness of our God and His power to create and to love.

If you don’t know that love – is it time?

The force in the vacuum of space is intense and everything in the universe—absolutely everything—owes its existence to God – including you and me.

Next time you look up to the heavens, be reminded that God created you and He is looking out after you.

We pray on earth and he listens in heaven.

One day, we will welcome Him instead of astronauts in space capsules.







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