Dare To Be by Gloria Toti


Spiritual and emotional health go hand in hand, though they are distinct. If I was to ask you on a scale of 1-10 to rate yourself spiritually, what would you rate?  What about emotionally?—any better?
I think we all need a refresher course from time to time so we don’t forget that spiritual and emotional health is about feeling connected to something greater than ourselves.
We can’t survive well in this earth without stepping into something purposeful.Spiritual health is all about finding meaningful life and aligning with our core values.Emotional health on the other hand involves recognizing, understanding, and managing our emotions positively. It’s the foundation of self-awareness, empathy, and healthy relationships.When these aspects of our inner-life are in harmony, we experience greater peace, resilience, and joy; we don’t feel overwhelmed.We also cannot forget that emotional wellness isn’t just about feeling happy all the time, it’s about embracing the full spectrum of emotions without bottling up the feelings that can lead to stress and anxiety.

We all have to find healthy ways to express your emotions—
like talking to a trusted friend, journaling, or engaging in creative outlets like maybe art or music —or maybe it’s all therapeutic for us to just go take a walk.
And we have to remember to set boundaries for ourselves.
Learning to say no and establishing boundaries without others is crucial for protecting our emotional well-being. It’s okay to prioritize our needs without feeling guilty.Let’s wrap up this vlog today and let’s remind ourselves how spiritual and emotional health are interconnected.  By investing in our own spiritual and emotional well-being, we are  not only improving your own lives, we are also creating a positive ripple effect for those around us. When one is out of balance—everyone suffers.
So, there are steps we can take my friends, we are not left without resolution. We can breathe deeply and  we can embrace the beautiful  mess…and we can ask God to  help us get through every day by prioritizing our lives because he paid a high price for us to have peace. Go ask God for peace today.

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