2024 Is More Than A Number by Gloria Toti


The clock struck midnight and 2024 was set in motion.  January is the month where we are all invited to make a New Year’s resolution which is a new plan for tomorrow.  If you’re up for the challenge, I am going to ask you to believe this year can be different for you and don’t forget that all dreams need a why and not just a what.  

WHY IS THE REASON we want to set something new in motion in the first place. 

But to succeed we must remember we are not enough to land those resolutions in the win column.

Have you ever heard the statement:  HURRY UP TO WAIT.   We all have experienced the agony of waiting. Last week, my 5:30 am flight was delayed, and I waited 4.5 hours at the airport, and I should have been sleeping.

This year, I want to challenge you to start with the waiting, rather than the hurrying.  W.A.I.T as in waiting on God.  

We all know that our strength doesn’t compare to God’s strength.  Yet, too often we forget to ask Him to help us, as in really helping us. 

Whisper prayers are not enough if we really want to change.  We need to be under His care if we are going to see the rebirth our souls, values, and dreams, or bodies.  Then we must get ready to work at it. Let’s break a sweat pursuing our goals. 

This year, what do you want to give yourself permission to do, obtain, become, or experience.  

Hint:  Those things keep on showing up in your thoughts are a part of the truest part of who YOU are.  Refuse to bury you away this year.  Remind yourself often that you have what it takes to honor the God-given values in your soul, and the holy grit to hold on this time around.  If your New Year’s resolution was to stop hanging around people who are honoring their God-given new year’s resolutions, redesign your plan.  Go be the light in your world. 

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