– We love because He first loved us. John 4:19
There is a Currency in the heavens a-flowing like a river, that starts and winds in deep currents from His throne….
The heights, the width, the depths wrapped and filled with a Love that the earth cannot fully understand.
The Father’s Son wrapped in Glory….A Mantle of perfect Love.
In my younger days I can recall having some run- ins or altercations with people I didn’t know and at the time was hoping I never would. Fast forward to today and this past Thanksgiving week, I had multiple encounters unfold that could have turned out so differently. I started thinking how the Tina of the past might have handled these situations verses the Tina of today. I am proud to report that I chose to be a blessing and respond with acts of kindness and Love.
1Corinthians 13:13 says that faith, hope and love remain but the greatest of these is love.
The Currency of heaven is a-flowing but it is so important to understand, that without the foundation of Love, the building you made might very well not stand. The foundations you are standing on could give way at any time….to hurricane, earthquake or storm and the selfish ways of man.
Love is not who I am, it’s who I am becoming. His name is Jesus! I definitely put on my armor of the Lord everyday but I’m not complete without His mantle of Love. In my dealings with people last week, it seemed I was given a front row ticket to an array of high- jacked emotions coming headlong from the opposite side of the court and it had nothing to do with me. God loves us unconditionally and these people needed love and acceptance over my opinions and advice.
Colossians 3:14 tells us, above all put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
The great Mantle of Love!
Who is this Man?
How can it be?
Meditations coming alive from a Father’s heart who chose it to be. Singing love songs that had never been heard with signs and wonders that had never been seen…
Reporters are buzzing
Multi -medias moving
A.I. unable to station
Because the Master Thinker is not in their network….
Completely out of their equation!
Piercing the old and young of everything they thought they knew…
Making simple the wise and edifying the rights and claims.
Who came to the earth in human form, humble and ready to serve.
Not looking for the upper class, the middle or low
…but the lost, the guilt ridden, the shamed, the washed- out cast- a- ways that no one wanted to claim, coming to save the entire race!
For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…..
What will you choose to wear today? Different situations in life certainly call for different spiritual clothing. Whatever you pick, don’t forget to top it off with the Master’s Mantle of Love!
The Heart of a Father sending His only Son, the Currency of the heavens. Pure Love wrapped in swaddling clothes and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men….