I Bet You Can by Gloria Toti


Let 2023 be the year of picking up dropped dreams or opening our hands to receive new ones.

We all know it is God alone who gives His people a dream, a purpose, a mission, or a plan for our lives. Think about how a dream is a God-given projected destiny – it’s the feeling that we can’t let go of.  It lives deep within our souls.

It’s specific.

It’s an invisible portrait of who we truly are in Him – where our families or children shall be or where our marriages will be.

It’s a vision.  

When the enemy senses movement in our dreams, he will do everything in his power to cause a nightmare.  

Many of you have experienced pain and your dreams are still waiting to be born, and I believe God would ask us:  Can I trust you with trouble?  

Remember the vote of confidence God has toward us in the middle of each hard season.

If we don’t learn to endure the nightmare seasons, we cannot see the dreams be realized.  

I remember losing almost 10 pounds in my first trimester.  I was sick. 

Think about Annalee, she will soon hear words push, breathe, and it will not be easy.   The dream will make its way forward with a beautiful baby at the end of the struggle.  JT will probably freak out a bit, but he will be required to stay at his post.  The dream will cost them something. There is no escaping the pain as it forges something out of us. 

God has placed a dream in all of us that we feel compelled to live.  It will never go away. It’s not supposed to.  Keep trusting.  Keep pushing.  Keep breathing in the power of the Holy Spirit.  The more you go into your dream, you will feel pressure.  That’s normal.  The hardship will birth a beautiful reality if you don’t get comfortable on Stuckville Lane.  I remember telling the doctor, I’m done, please take this baby out of me.  Of course, I heard, you have to push Gloria.

You must endure.  You have to overcome the pressure to quit or give up.  The dream will tell you where you are going.  The nightmare will become the pathway to it.  The adversity will advance you if you keep going north.  

Calvary was the pathway to the dream of the church.  Hell is still saying, “I don’t think so”.  We must follow the example of Jesus.  He didn’t quit.  

The purpose of the dream is to give you a sense of destiny that proves you are not just here wondering through life…that there is a sense of destiny, purpose and calling for your life and your pain.  No one is here by accident!

You don’t have to be in ministry to have a dream.  Everyone has dreams in their heart. May your dream inspire to stretch your reach out of our comfort zone in 2023.  

Friends let’s go beyond where we have been.  Our dreams are designed to dictate a different story than what we think we are capable of.  Are you ready?   



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