Psalms 27:1
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Years ago I saw a quote that I thought was cute. It went something like this:
” On my darkest days when I feel inadequate, afraid or unloved….I remember who’s daughter I am and straighten my crown.” 

Recently I came across this same quote but instead of a cute little saying, it became powerful, huge and spoke volumes of truth. Life certainly can be overwhelming and there are some days that I feel extra darts from enemy territory flying at my shield of faith. I find my Light that I turned on ready for my day flickering or completely trying to flip to the off position. And Yes, I have days where I need to straighten my crown or have to pick it up off the ground and put it back on. How bout completely forgetting where I put it?
But the biggest thing for me is to remember who walks beside me and staying plugged into my Power source. When I do, the enemy definitely loses ground leaving fear and inadequacy hitchhiking for a ride. I am so glad God’s power rests in you and me and is ours to claim each and every day!

Flip the Switch!
Hold it steady in place
The enemy has no rights
and must release its grip!
Let go of strongholds
Let the King of Glory in…
Sound the trumpet around Jericho and watch the walls come tumbling down!
See, It’s all about perspective
Singing songs and playing your harp
Dispelling the darkness
Shattering lies
Pulling the wool over the enemies eyes saying,
” See ya later…I’m a Child of God!”
Keep your lamps burning
Holding fast in the midnight hour
Keeping watch and in step with your ordained rights
As a Kingdom Child and a Warrior of the Most High God!
Hold fast to your confession
Unwavering and standing TALL….
” Light Switch On!”
Unmovable and ready
Because Heaven is your home
You are not of this world
And you were never born to be….A child of the dark with your Light turned off
walking along falling cliffs tossed at first tide into an endless stormy sea
Because your King is walking beside you
In Faith – In Freedom
Showing you ordered steps
Watching fortress walls become unlocked doors….opened windows and unhinged gates!
The Light Switch is turned on…Are you ready?
Because My Precious Child it is up to you!
I have chosen You
Bled and died for You
And You My Royal Daughter?
You are now holding the Key!
What battle are you facing today?
Micah 7:8 says,
” Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a Light to me. “
Flip the Switch! Hold fast unwavering in your faith. Keep your Light in the “On and Lock” position, becoming a conduit for God’s power. Are you ready Beautiful Daughter of the Most High God?
You’ve got this!
Straighten your Crown! 
