Love Is A Circle by Tina Gonzalez

Love is a Circle
With no middle, beginning or end
And you are invited just as you are
To enter and step in.
Come join with others as the Godhead stretches out gentle, kind, open hearts and open hands.This Circle has breath, pulse, beauty and whispers of pure Love
Shaped and formed by those who enter
Setting aside the pre-requisites of this world.For my new year of 2024 I was given two important verses to reflect on, but more importantly….
to act on. Romans 12:10  ” Be devoted to one another in Love. Honor one another above yourselves,
” and Galatians 6:2, “Carry each others burdens and so you will fulfill the Law of Christ.”
It reminded me of the beautiful picture called the Trinity Circle where you see the Father, Holy Spirit and Son in unison and Love rotating in a circle shape with perfect harmony and communion.

I thought, ” What can I do this year to uplift and help others… take some weight off of heavy hearts and make some extra room? What can I do to fill my circle with more Love?”

Lubricant and oil
Applied with labor and toil
Purposed with an amazing plan

Leaving space for others to join
Those who are willing to unfold their hands

Skipping a step or two
Intertwined with dancing
Making beautiful noticeable efforts to add more room!

Snippets of memories
Heartaches joined with pain
Transcribed by those who have lived it….
Welcoming the smallest form of kindness
Labored breath – open homes – set aside plans

The Master is calling
The Master is moving
He is looking for the willing
Not just the rich – the elite – the retired
But the softened hearts…the gentle…the beautiful smiles
Those who are willing to compose – be open – with confidence
Saying Here I Am
I Am Able!
Praying into the everyday, not just the normal routines…..
Saying, ” Here I Am…I Am Able….God Send Me! ”

Jesus always put people before things.

He set aside His earthly watch to help all those who came His way. He isn’t impressed with our possessions, fancy words, awards or status. He just wants our hearts and for us to open up our circle to those He sends our way!

Do unto others as you would have done unto you
Loving your neighbor as The Lord so Lovingly smiles……
Planting salvation seeds without even knowing
And watering withered patches
Quenching dry parched lifeless souls.

It’s all about placing others above the desires of this world
Casting your nets and setting your sails
For the Lords Harvest…..doing things His way
Contributing to the Circle of Love
To its full rotation
Natural ordained curves
Widening the circumference
Completing the Fathers heart of Love for all His creation
And the fullness of the Godhead…..the Trinity three in one
Coming full circle with each other and Eternity…..Father, Spirit and Son!

What is God calling you to do to Love others and in different ways?
How can you widen your circle this year?

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