Love’s Reward by Gloria Toti

Labor Day 2022 is upon us, and today I want to say thank you for all the work you have accomplished this year.  God see’s it all.  When many forget to say thank you, God never does.  He takes note of all we do.  

Many of us will be off on Monday to enjoy some rest and relaxation.  And for those of you who will be working…hang in there…and thank you.  Your extra effort is seen by God.  

So much so that the Bible tells us that He is going to reward us for our work in building His kingdom, for declaring Truth, for sharing our faith, and for believing in Him…and for using the gifts He has blessed us with.  


It doesn’t seem right to me that we should be rewarded.  It makes more sense for us to be ready to give God a gift instead, right?  Surely, you feel like I do.  

We all know our shortcomings.  We understand how it is His grace alone that brings goodness into our lives.  We can’t make that stuff happen on our own.  It’s not in us. 

Ironically, we are the gift to Him when we obey Him out of sheer love.  That’s the gift.  Loving Him back and obeying His voice.  But you know our God, He’s always a bit extra when it comes to blessing His children.  So much so that He reminds us in Colossians about the eternal rewards that are to come.  As if the earthly blessings were not enough.  He is not done.  

In Colossians 3:23, we read this:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

And if you are in doubt that God longs to reward our labor, let me read Romans 2:6:

God will repay each person according to what they have done.”

God doesn’t mince words.  He is very clear on what is going on here.  He is taking the role of a parent and telling us to be obedient children – do you hear it?

Or maybe a King who is reminding His offspring that they have royal blood in their veins.  A lot of expected of them because of the family name.

Or maybe we hear a God who started out with a plan to include us into something bigger than ourselves, and we will have to see what it is in eternity.  

What I see is clear, there is action on our part.  First, we accept Jesus, we begin to reciprocate the love He is sending us, and we get busy working for Him by telling others how wonderful He is with a life that is set-apart (sanctified) by the power of the cross.  

I don’t know about you, but that makes Labor Day really special to me.  

Happy Labor Day to you princess warriors.  Continue to work for God knowing that your labor will be rewarded in eternity.  Oh, I can’t wait to see what else God has planned for us.  Be safe and go share Jesus with others.  You were made for this type of work…and so was I.  

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