No More Riding Solo by Gloria Toti


Merry Christmas are the two words that have significant meaning and they will change your life beyond the month of December.

Friends, Jesus is called The Word of God.  

When you walk around with that kind of name, I bet you have a lot to say which is precisely my point—Jesus longs to talk to us.  So, in this Christmas season, I want you to start talking it up with Jesus.  

I know you are not talking enough, nor am I.  Jesus is speaking but are we listening.  

There is a such a thing as first, second and third level listening. I bet you can guess which level we are probably showing up.  THE FIRST LEVEL.  I bet there are many days where we are listening but not hearing Him.  

The conversation is surface deep.  So, today, let’s look at the health of our relationship with the Holy Spirit as well.  

Remember He is the one who Jesus said would be sent to help us.  So, are we asking Him for help, or are we trying on our own? 

Friends, it is the overflow of our ability to hear and submit to the voice of God our Father that allows us flourish in this life.  The Holy Spirit is ready to help lead us.  Jesus is ready to speak.  And the Father is holding the plan He designed for your life.  

Today, I want to challenge you to think of something you would love to hear God’s insights on regarding your life or relationships.  

Ask Him about it with the intention of learning to listen spirit to Spirit.  

Make note of how you discern his voice, the unique way He will communicate with you, and specifically what He says.  Then continue the process throughout the next day.  Practice God.  Begin to develop your bond with the Holy Spirit, listen to the words specifically designed for your life. 

He is your helper!  You are not alone despite how you feel.  

You are loved this Christmas season.  And you will be loved in January too.  

Maybe for some of you the question you can ask is this:  

God how much do you love me? 

I can’t wait for you to begin to discern his voice above all the loud chaos going on in this world.  

Now, is the best time to get your first level listening stronger so you can move to second level listening – then get ready because your life will change before your eyes.  

If you don’t believe me, I double dare you to try it.  Scripture tells us that God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent.  

God makes good on his promises.

Titus 1:2 also speaks about our trustworthy God and his plans for us: “In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.”

Now, let the MERRY of CHRISTMAS rest on your heart in new ways this year. 

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