Rear View Mirror Living by Gloria Toti

Have you been treating God like an officer in the rearview mirror? You fear him, instead of
enjoying His presence.

I think it’s safe to say that most of us know that overwhelming feeling when the red lights begin
to zero in on our car.

Our reactions are comically strong. We slam on our brakes as if to say, “Mr. Officer, I’m sorry
for breaking the law.”

Our palms get sweaty and we start praying ticket grace prayers, even though we know we are
guilty of going 5 mph over the speed limit, which is so easy to do.

Think about what happens after we get a traffic violation – we obey the speed limit, we don’t
pass red lights, or, God forbid, we don’t drink and drive. We are much more careful.


Before long we find ourselves in our old habits.

Naturally without God helping us overcome, we will go back to those reactive muscle memory

I wonder if it’s time to hit the brakes in life as we know it – is there a fear in your life right now
that you could give to God? Do you have a white-knuckle grip on something that you know you
shouldn’t be doing but can’t seem to find out how?

Each day we are given new opportunities. We can hit the accelerator and go as fast or slow
toward the things God has designed for us in that day. We know life is better with others and
that is why we are hosting FRIENDSGIVING 2021.

On Thursday the 18th, we are meeting at Trinity Central at 7 pm to have fun, eat food, and play
games. We would love you and your friends to join us.

Email us at and we will save a seat for you.

I DARE YOU TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT than just all that same ole that you’ve been up to.

Let’s not fear God, but rather stand in awe and wonder at who He is.

Then let’s be bold and ask Him what He thinks about our lives right now. I’m sure it will be an
awesome conversation. One thing I know about our God, He doesn’t hold back when it comes
to loving His children. He longs to show up where he is welcome, and longs to speak to us as
one speaks to a true friend.

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