Redefining Surrender by Denice Mitchell

The Prize 31 bible study group that meets on Tuesday evenings just wrapped up the study by Christy Nockels: The Life You Long For.

It was an amazing study on how to live FROM a place of being the beloved instead of striving to get to the place of being beloved. It was about surrender.  That was the word I got from it all.  At the end of the study, a nagging question arose, “Do I truly understand what surrender looks like”?

I began asking God to show me what I needed to see about surrender, and I had an image of someone a way off—behind some rubble, waving a white flag.  It was a beak scene, filled with fear and anxiousness. What I saw was a war scene where surrender was the absolute last resort and could come with accusations of cowardice and weakness. Giving up was never the goal. God showed me that my definition of surrender had kept me from fully giving Him my all even though I had given Him my heart on Easter Sunday in 1977.

I began to realize that I had withheld areas of my life from God while viewing acts of surrender in wartime as a failure.  I felt I had failed so now God had to swoop in and save me.

I was a quitter—a failure— if I gave in and gave up.

I am not sure where that definition for me came from but thank God that He showed me the real definition. I can truly surrender all to Him, my blessed Savior.

Surrender to me now looks like sitting in my Daddy’s lap, allowing Him to love on me and do for me what I could never do for myself. There is no fear or worry of failure, just a peace the God has me covered. Where are you holding back with God?

Is it because you carry a wrong definition or belief in your heart? Let me encourage you to go and have a talk with Daddy God and ask Him to show you.  He would love to talk with you!!

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