He took him outside and said, ” Look-up at the sky and count the stars if indeed you can count them.” Then He said to him, ” So shall your offspring be.”
Abraham believed The Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:5-6
I will certainly bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky
and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their
enemies. Genesis 22:17
I LOVE these two pictures that God has painted with His super natural paintbrush!
I literally want to jump-into this miraculous, breathtaking canvas of scripture. I not only believe every word of it, but I want to jump-in and join-in!
Precious God Breathed Promises and a Fullness of Time……….
Seashores and Sand
Endless Sky of Stars and Galaxies that Never End!
Can you Count them?
Can You Understand?
An Infinity of Twinkling Stars
Untold Stories……HIS-Story!
The Unfolding of Mysteries and the Heart of Man

Father Gods calendar looks so much different than ours and He measures time so differently.
I wondered if Abraham had a hard time waiting on all the precious promises that our Heavenly Father made to Him? Maybe, but the most wonderful part is that scripture says that Abraham believed God even though he couldn’t see it. Upon studying about this waiting or “A Fullness of Time”, I found that it means to occur in the appropriate or destined time. One of the greatest examples of Gods perfect timing in the history of man is found in Galatians 4:4. ” But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son.” It can be hard making space and making time……Saying Yes and waiting for His perfect will and ordered steps. Journeying with shoes shod with peace and faith knowing that He really is true and faithful……not just sometimes, but all of the time!
About a week after I started writing this blog post and the Lord wanted to talk about “Sand and Stars” , I took a small trip with my sister to Ruidoso, New Mexico. The first night we were there, my precious niece noticed her phone was missing. Our family started a scavenger hunt through the cabin trying to find it with no luck. We were hoping she had left it in the car. Being further back into the forest it was pitch black outside. As I inched closer to our car, I felt compelled to look-up into the night sky. I nearly fell backwards as I gazed into a velvet sky twinkling with the most brilliant blanket of stars I have ever seen! I literally felt frozen in time. And I thought
Wow…. Holy Spirit Breath! Mighty promises exhaled and inhaled into the heart of man……confirming His precious heart and powerful design!
So what have you been hoping for? What have you been waiting on that you know is all in Gods perfect timing? Hang-in there! He is always right on time!
Every season has its time as Fruit is ripened and heavenly shouts are heard….
” It’s Harvest Time!
A Time of Fullness and seasons that align with His perfection,
A nodding of “Yes!”
Blessings innumerable,
A bounty of treasures with kingdom keys and unlocked chests.
Come mighty Savior,
Come mighty King!
In full strength….don’t hold back
the promises made to your Daughters,
To all the Esther’s called for such a time….for Such a Day as This!
Sand and Stars
Lord, please manifest and multiply these to us…..as You did for Abraham in his life, his walk and seasons. Just as You said You would and promised. Using multitudes of Heavenly stars and pointing to a seashore of infinite uncountable tiny grains of sand!